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Home & Garden

How To Decorate Around Water Damage.

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No home is perfect. Some people buy fixer uppers, and others struggle to fill a new blank canvas.

There are unexpected tragedies that occur such as water accidents. Don’t let that stop you from having a beautiful home. See how to decorate around water damage.


Your first order of business is to assess the area and damage. Try not to panic, but take the steps necessary to get it taken care of. Locate water damage cleanup companies in the area who have the expertise for this situation and can help you. Quickly get the entire area cleaned up and ready for use again. Understand that it may not look the same, but you’ll have options for getting it to look the way you desire.


Start by painting the damaged area. This is your chance to go with a completely new color and spice up the space. Find a color that’s going to cover up any marks or stains. Do a few coats to make sure you get it covered really well. Think about what décor you might use here when selecting a new hue.


A great way to cover up a big ugly spot is with some large furniture. What you choose will depend on where the water damage was in the home. Consider dressers, desks, beds and couches. This is also a good excuse to buy new furniture and upgrade your décor. Make sure you get something that’s wide and tall enough to cover up the damages. Why not turn a bad situation into a positive one by getting a functional piece of furniture that looks great and makes your home cozier.


Another item for consideration is a bookshelf. A beautiful wood frame would be gorgeous. Bookshelves look classy and sophisticated. Fill it with your favorite books and create a reading nook to use in your downtime. A bookshelf is perfect if the marks on your wall are vertical. Read up on how to style your bookshelf for the right look.

Hang A Picture

A simple solution to cover up water damage is to hang a picture or two. This will instantly cover up the marks and add décor to your home. If it’s a large area to hide, think about making a picture wall and filling it with your favorite family pictures. Make the frames yourself or head to the store and buy the picture already put together. You can get as creative as you’d like with this project.


Never got around to hanging those shelves? Now’s the time. Space out shelving and fill them with your favorite pieces of décor and pictures. Staggered shelving is a beautiful touch in any home. It’s a great way to fill a blank wall and, in this case, cover up a damaged area. If you’re feeling ambitious, make your own shelves out of wood.


Don’t let a little hiccup in your home keep you from making it look fabulous. Restoring and rebuilding is the fun part of an unfortunate situation.


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