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Cake Lingerie Cotton Candy Luxury Seamless Nursing Bra


As Mother’s Day approaches, we need not forget those women who are expecting a child, in addition to those who are already mothers.  Regardless of what stage of motherhood that special woman is at, if she is planning to nurse or is already nursing, a great Mother’s Day gift would be a nice comfortable nursing bra.

From experience I know nursing a baby can be difficult at times and one of the things that stands in the way is a really good nursing bra.  My experience with nursing bras when my son was a baby was not a good one. The bras I found in stores were too stiff so when I tried nursing my son I couldn’t get the bra to fold down and cooperate the way I needed it to.  My only solution at the time was to ditch the nursing bras altogether and just use sports bras.


I’ve discovered that this isn’t necessary and there are nice comfortable bras available for nursing.  Cake Maternity has some fabulous nursing bras to choose from and they are super comfortable.  One in particular is their Cotton Candy Luxury Seamless Nursing Bra, which happens to be a best seller.

I can honestly say that I have never owned a softer bra in my life than the Cotton Candy Luxury Seamless Nursing Bra.  It certainly feels luxurious with its silky soft comfort.  The material has stretch to it so the bra is designed to grow with a woman’s changing breast size during and after pregnancy.  I suggest reviewing the sizing chart, which is really simple, and ordering the size that currently fits you.  Even if you are early in your pregnancy and your breast size hasn’t changed, I still suggest purchasing whatever the size chart says your current size would be.

The reason I say this is because the material is designed to grow as the breasts do, so don’t worry about what you think your future size will be.  Of course once milk starts coming in the breasts are going to become larger and this is what I had in mind when I ordered mine.  According to the size chart I would currently wear a size Large, but I figured once I actually start nursing my breasts will grow at least 1 cup size so I ordered according to that and got an XL.  Honestly, it wasn’t even necessary.  So order according to the size chart because the cup will adjust as you grow.


Along with the softness and comfort for mom, when it comes to actually nursing, each strap has the clips to fold the front panel down and what is so great about the Cotton Candy Luxury Seamless Nursing Bra is because the material is so soft it folds down like you need it to and doesn’t get in the way of the baby feeding.

It doesn’t have that stiff front panel like I experienced with my previous nursing bras.  Plus, it has a side sling that lies to the side of the breast to provide discreet feeding and also provide some shape.


The Cotton Candy Luxury Seamless Nursing Bra is designed to provide support and maximize lift with its T-back structure, which I absolutely love.  I wear a lot of racer-back, or T-back tops and having a nursing bra with the same shape in the back will allow me to continue to wear these tops without obnoxious bra straps showing.  So not only is it providing lift and support, but it’s fashionable as well.

So this year, rather than going with the usual flowers, jewelry, or dinner, for a Mother’s Day gift, take a step outside of the box and get that special mother something she can use over and over.  I definitely recommend Cake Maternity’s Cotton Candy Luxury Seamless Nursing Bra for any expectant or current nursing mother.  It is hands down one of my favorite nursing bras!
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