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Before Buying That New Or Used Car For Your Teen, Check Out These Great Tips.

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With so many cars on the market trying to figure out which car to buy can be such a hassle. But now, your mind can be at ease because you can now find out just about anything you want to know about a car online. Cars.com is one of my favorite places to search for a car, no matter what your price range may be they have something for all budgets!

You can find a vehicle for yourself, your hubby or maybe you’re looking to buy your son or daughter their very first car. This is the stage we are in now, purchasing a new or used vehicle for our youngest daughter.

With us using the Cars.com as our guide, we can better understand about the cars and learn how to  negotiate if the price is not within our budget. Do you know when you search on Cars.com that you can find out exactly what the dealer paid the manufacturer for the car…..this is would be some great information to assist in your  car selection if you ask me!

Here are a few tips I’ve learned since searching Cars.com:

Buying a car for your teen can be a challenge, but, there are many things that can help you make the right decision.

  1. Remember the reason you searched Cars.com is to make sure you can stay within your budget. You never want to go above your limits when it comes to monthly payments. Make sure your car price is reachable because so much has to be factored in besides a car!
  2. Please don’t just purchase the first car you see, as my dad use to say temptation can get the best of you and you never want to make the wrong choice without researching other cars. My oldest son did this when he purchased his first car and not even a week later we had to issue out 3500 to get his car fixed. Even though we informed him to look around and do some research, he still insisted on buying that car!
  3. This tip I can’t stress enough! Ask for a test drive and take it on the freeway so you can gain speed to see how the car handles with accelerating. Plus, I wouldn’t want to purchase a vehicle used or new that wouldn’t keep my child safe, so testing driving will at least provide you with a feel of how this car ride in the city and on the highway.
  4. Don’t be scared to negotiate after all, this is your money, and if you’re buying a car for your kids you would definitely want to save as much as you can. That extra money could go towards insurance or gas. I can truly say my husband is the best negotiator I’ve seen in years, that man can negotiate  on anything. Just don’t be scared and don’t back down either, before you know it the dealer will agree or at least meet you half way.
  5. Research, research, research, so you will know what you’re talking about when it come to the vehicle that interest you.
  6. Learn how to prepare; what to watch out for, ways get the most for your money, and how to complete the transaction at the dealer or with a seller.

Remember to use  Cars.com price comparison tool, this tool will help find cash back, special financing offers and whatever you do, make sure to also check out the What’s the Best Car for a First-Time Driver? 

One more thing I want to mention about Cars.com is they also have great information on car safety checks! So don’t wait visit Cars.com today to see how they can assist you in finding that right car for your teen or yourself!




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

12 thoughts on “Before Buying That New Or Used Car For Your Teen, Check Out These Great Tips.

  • Pingback: How Parents Can Talk to Their Teen About Drunk Driving

  • I remember the first car I had and could have used these tips. Although I may not have listened anyway because I was so impatient and just needed to have what I saw. I didn’t do my research and was not at all patient with anything. These are such great tips.

  • We have a teen driver who started driving independently this October. He did a lot of research for the truck he wanted. We like to pay cash to stay out of debt, which is what we did in this case. He and his dad searched and searched until they found the right deal. I agree with your dad… never go with the first time.

  • I was so lucky when I was a teen because my grandfather owned a Chevrolet dealership and was into old cars. He gave me a vintage Chevy that I drove from high school all the way through my college years. Such a great tip about staying within your budget. It’s so easy to get seduced into something that will be difficult to afford. x

  • These are very helpful tips for myself too! I’ve always contemplated on how and when to buy a car and this helps a lot. I’ll definitely be checking out that site too!

  • Great tips for those looking to buy a new car. We have a long time until we will be buying a car for our kids but these are great tips for us to consider now as we are in the market for a new car now. Cars.com seems like a great option.

  • These are great tips. Buying a car is a big step and when it is for a first timer it can be especially hard. I am so afraid of the day my daughter can drive and here in Iowa that is not too far away. They let these kids get behind the wheel at 14! Yikes! No wonder my car is always getting run into!

  • My husband has a buddy who owns a car lot. That is who we get all of our vehicles from. Thankfully, we have a while before we have to think about buying vehicles for the kids.

  • My kids are still young but the day will come when I have to help them find a car. I love Cars.com because it makes it so easy to find the perfect match. I always do plenty of research to find the safety ratings of the different models and ensure that the car is super safe.

  • My son is going to be needing a new used car soon. I will have to try out cars.com when the time comes! Thanks for the tips and heads up!

  • I remember when my parents bought me my first car at the age of 21. Oh man. I actually just traded that car in (after 9 years) for an even sexier car, however, that car… Will always hold a place in my heart. We actually gave that car to my sister in law and I think I am going to see it this weekend.

  • I haven’t personally used Cars.com much, but I hear a lot of good things about it. It’s also interesting that you can find out what the dealer paid the manufacturer for the car. I bought myself a new car in 2014 (first time ever buying myself a car) and definitely did some research beforehand on comparable vehicles, etc. in the area.


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