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Buying a Mattress

Buying a mattress takes preparation – the more you put into it, the better the chance you get one that suits you and lasts for the rated amount of time. Most experts agree that a mattress should last anywhere from 6-10 (or more; but you’re pushing it after a decade) years; this, of course, depends on the material.

In the following article, we help you navigate the varieties of mattresses that exist on the market today so that you’re able to pick one based on comfort, suitability and special benefits – such as firmness, ability to contour to your shape, and softness.

Can You Successfully Buy a Mattress Online?

Of course, you can! In fact, buying online is much more convenient – in general – than the old method of trying each mattress in a store to find the right one for you. Granted, experts believe that if you go the latter route, you should spend about 10-15 minutes lying down on it to truly test if it’s the one. However, you can save loads of time online by using the legions of reviews that the better mattresses have, as written by real reviewers from all walks of life.

The Original Innerspring Mattress

This is a type of mattress where the coiled stainless steel springs support the soft bed on top. The spacing of said springs guarantees firmness and longevity, along with the familiar springiness that spawned commercials where the actor would drop an egg on the bed to show how the supportive structure wouldn’t cause the egg to crack. If you were like most kids, then you probably slept on one when you were young.

The variability in comfort of an innerspring mattress derives from the spring spacing, as well as the gauge – thickness – of the composite steel wiring. With these two values, you can get nearly any combination you wish, attuned to your level of comfort.

The Contour-Fitting Mattress Material: Memory Foam

The primary material in most memory foam mattresses is polyurethane, which is well-known for its ability to mold to the shape of the body placed on it. This depresses the surface and creates pockets of slightly-increased heat; which can be a big boon in the fall and winter. Moreover, memory foam is often desired by people who have joint pain, because of its ability to relieve the pressure that encourages inflammation of these regions.

Air-Filled Mattresses

As you might have guessed, air is the primary supportive substance for these types of mattresses. You can find them with a predetermined, unchangeable amount of air pressure, or the more expensive type with an adjustable control mechanism. Indeed, the latter often has half of the mattress sectioned off so that each person can sleep soundly according to their preferred amount of air, with controls on either side. Keep in mind that air rarely leaks from an air mattress, and since air is the best insulation, can be surprisingly temperate in any weather.

Latex Brand Mattress

Although the following statement is subject to argument, latex may be the best type of mattress material. It can be both springy and soft, which are two properties that aren’t possessed by any other single mattress material. This makes it in high demand for consumers who prioritize these attributes. You can find it with other material blends, too, so pay attention to the reviews to get a better idea of what to expect when you lay on it. Snuggle-Pedic is SleepIce’s current top pick for mattress under $1000

For more information on buying a mattress, visit the Mattress Buying Guide on Samsclub.com.



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10 thoughts on “Buying a Mattress

  • This sounds wonderful. It is hard picking out a good one.

  • I hate buying mattresses – so many choices! Although, II have to say, we bought a new mattress several months ago and I sleep much better now.

  • A good mattress is a must for me! We are currently using a memory foam mattress and we love it a lot!

  • Love the look of this mattress, and the info is great!

  • I agree, takes lots of preparation and time in researching the different brands out there. I consider a mattress a major investment since I will be spending so much time on it, so reading reviews, checking them out in person, etc… are definitely things I like to do before purchasing.

  • I was always afraid to buy a mattress online. However, now I’m thinking you may be right about checking reviews. Besides, most mattresses have a sleep guarantee too now. So if you don’t like it, you can return it. This mattress looks so comfy! It makes me want to crawl into bed right now.

  • This sounds like a wonderfully comfy mattress I wish I could afford it maybe some day.

  • I would LOVE to get a new mattress, but I just don’t have the money right now. Isn’t it amazing how we all put off buying the one thing that would help us in our lives? haha, but if you don’t have it, you just don’t. If I were to buy one though, I would order it online for sure. Like you said, you can read all of the reviews and do your research!

  • Air mattresses would be awesome. You can change the softness or hardness. I prefer soft for comfort but it’s harder on my back as far as trying to get out of bed. Plus I would be less likely to sweat in bed.

  • How I would love to be able to get a new mattress. They make them so different nois that I’m sure it would help me physically


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