Home & Garden

Building Your Dream Home? Keep These 3 Tips in Mind

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Building a house from the ground up for your family has the potential to be an incredibly rewarding process. The results are tangible, concrete, and long-lasting. And you did it yourself!  

Your children and pets will have a spacious place to grow up and your new home, designed specifically by you, will be a great spot for hosting gatherings and dinner parties. It can even be cheaper than buying an older home, depending on the size you desire and the location that you are looking at.   

Despite the worthwhile nature of building your dream home, the process can seem less than glamorous during the actual build. Remember these 3 tips while building your dream home to alleviate your stress as much as possible.  

 1. Find the Right Contractor 

 A contractor hires sub-contractors who will put in the work that is needed to make your plans into a reality. While you can be your own general contractor, it is ideal to hire someone who has experience with this very specific field. Contractors often have great time management skills and reliable connections with the people you need, like plumbers, pavers, and electricians.  

Scour the contracting market to find one that is reputable and meets your budget. Unfortunately, there are scammers and contractors out there with motives other than making you content with your dream home. Ideally, the contractor you hire should be licensed.  

Make sure you hire a knowledgeable contractor who knows their way around the construction business. Companies like Contractor Training Center can help you identify what contractors are competent enough to work on your home. 

Don’t recruit a handyman on a sketchy classified advertisements website to try to save money. Taking shortcuts should be avoided in a process as important as building an entire house.

2. Figure Out What Your Home Needs 

You may find yourself shocked at how quickly the home building process can fly by. It is possible that the finishing touches will be added to your home, like paint and plumbing, when you finally realize you don’t have anything to fill the inside! 

Avoid this potential issue by planning ahead. It is best to start the process of acquiring furniture and appliances in the early stages of your house being built. Set aside time to do your research and shop around to get the best deals. Frequent garage sales and thrift stores to save money on side tables and couches. If you’re planning on filling your house with brand new furniture and appliances, take advantage of online sales, in-store deals, and special promotions and coupons.  

3. Be Financially Responsible When Planning 

 When communicating your vision to your architect and builder, keep your unique financial situation in mind. It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning the design of your dream home.  

A big mistake that a lot of enthusiastic couples hoping to build a home make is the decision to go too big. You can always add rooms to your home if the need arises. If your family doesn’t need a lot of room, it is best to invest that money in substance rather than size. 

 Include amenities that everyone in your family will use and appreciate. A swimming pool may get more appreciation than the sunroom you’re thinking of installing instead.  

 Bonus Tip: Pace Yourself 

You may be on a strict deadline to finish due to your budget or climate. Don’t let the seemingly daunting process of building a home intimidate you. Follow these 3 tips to be on the best route to your dream home! 


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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