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Best Buy Has Front Loading LG washers and SideKick on sale! @LGUS @BestBuy

Just when you’ve thought you’ve seen it all when it come to washer machines, LG delivers a front load laundry machine that will address all your cleaning needs.  

With a large  family like mine, and plenty dirty clothes that pile up in my laundry room daily, the LG Front Load Laundry will diffidently be a great choice for our family.

Have you ever thought about how much water or energy your appliances are using? Well, what if I told you the LG Front Load Laundry has many benefits that can help you save on both water and energy, would you believe me?

You see, the LG Front Load Laundry benefits would be that of cleaning performance within the front load which is a lot better than top load; front loaders will typically use less water and also consume less electricity….I bet you didn’t know that! Plus the LG front load  washer also spins faster to help keep clothes drier to reduce overall drying time.

If you compare your old washing machine to the new LG, there’s no doubt your old machine is costing you a lot to run! The LG Front Load laundry offer so much, like it’s gentle on clothes so they last longer, it provides the best cleaning performance, has the highest spin to dry clothes faster, and will definitely save money on your utility bills. Most of all, if you’re short like me, you won’t have to grab a step stool to reach down the bottom of the washer tub to retrieve your clothing. With the LG Front Load washer, I’ll be able to easily retrieve all my clothing without standing on a stand!

Another thing I like about the LG front load washers is they are SideKick compatible providing additional capacity to wash 2 loads at once…..can’t beat that, can you! The LG Front Load laundry & SideKick machines are sleek, energy efficient, eco friendly, save money, and automatically turns off when the clothes are dry.

Plus with having kids in school who wear uniforms and play sports, a hubby who works outdoors, and me who works in the garden, I sometimes get behind in washing, but if we pair up a SideKick with a front loader, I would be able to wash small loads and large ones like my blankets too without the wait.

So if you’re looking for a good washer and dryer! I suggest you visit Best Buy today to purchase an LG Front Load Washer. and SideKick , you can also save an additional $150 when you make your purchase!

Best Buy also have Blue Shirt experts on hand to help you understand the benefits surrounding LG Front Load laundry.



Disclaimer: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

35 thoughts on “Best Buy Has Front Loading LG washers and SideKick on sale! @LGUS @BestBuy

  • I’ve always wanted a front load washer and dryer set. This set looks like a great buy! Thanks for the review!

  • I like the little sidekick. One day we hope to be out of the apartment complex (where we aren’t allowed to have these), but they will be on the top of our shopping list for our home!

  • OMG, these washer and dryers are beautiful!! I would love to own these!! I wonder if it makes washing clothing fun??

  • I would love to have this washer and dryer, but especially the side kick..

  • For sure, we will need this when we get an apartment. Love this review.

  • This is cool!

  • This sounds like an awesome deal for anyone in the market! That sidekick is pretty amazing too!

  • I need a new washer and I want a front load vs top load one.

  • A new washer/dryer is on my wishlist! The shower/tub has to be replaced first though.

  • What a beautiful washer and dryer set. I never even knew there were Front loading washer. This is new to me but I see the benefits and how economical this can be!

  • I feel like this post was written for me. I’m literally in the market for a new washer/dryer. FRONT load preferred. Thank you!! I’ll definitely add LG to the list of brands to check out.

  • I love shopping at bestbuy. they have some great sale items. Thanks for this heads up.

  • It’s on the wish list. It’s super, really nice! Only emergencies are addressed in my house right now. Dr. bills and meds. come first.

  • I saw a friend of mine posting about theirs. I have to say I would just love a new washer and dryer set! I love all the new technologies coming out!

  • I have never bought a washer and dryer pair at the same time. I do have a fairly new dryer but would love to just buy a new set and be done with it. I also want stainless steel. I’m a little envious right now.

  • I would love to have one of these but I don’t have room in my laundry room. Maybe some day we will add on and make more room.

  • This is nice love to have this

  • You are right, I did not know about front loaders using less water and entergy. I just recently saw an ad about the LG washer with a sidekick and had no idea this was even a possibility. My washer is very old and I hope it keeps working but I know it’s days are numbered. I will definitely look into these when it quits.

  • OMG I so totally want one of these. I keep reading reviews and I am OBSESSED with the idea of front-loading. Plus they are o sleek looking.

  • love that it can do the small loads with the side kick. that is a feature I really need and want to save water and energy

  • I would love to have this washer with the sidekick. To be able to wash two loads at the same time would to great.

  • This is on my wish list. We really need to upgrade our washer and dryer and this set has been something I have been looking at for a long time. I am hoping we can get it in our laundry room soon!!

  • I’ve been hearing about this lately and it looks SO awesome. I need anything to make life easier with kids and laundry. I have a few Best Buy gift cards too, so that will really help with such a big purchase.

  • I have always wanted a front loading washer, I have been waiting for our old ones to kick the bucket but they seemingly refuse. I think maybe it’s time I show them the eviction notice and head on over to best buy to get myself this pair!

  • Best Buy has everything! I have never owned a front loading washer and this set looks great I would love to try them out!

  • What a fantastic looking set. I can only dream of having one of these sets right now…but it is on my wishlist!

  • What a great option, I will have to show my wife this article. This could be a time saver.

  • I love Best Buy and this washer and dryer look great, especially the sidekick.

  • I am looking to be moving, and boy oh boy would I love to have these! I love Best Buy!

  • While my kids are grown (and two of the three moved out), I have three Treeing Walker Coonhounds and three cats (all rescues), so you can imagine we get messes from them from time to time. I love the idea of being able to put in just a small load without taking up the main washer. I’m hoping to eventually change my washer and dryer into both front-loading like these, but the ones I have now work good and are relatively new, so it’ll be a while.

  • I love Best Buy, but I have always worried about getting a front loading machine because I’ve heard horror stories about them leaking.

  • Boy do I need this set.
    I want it for sure.

  • I love shopping at Best Buy. The have some awesome deals and these appliances look awesome!

  • Its definitely on my want list after reading this review. Thanks


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