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Back To School with Save A Lot Lunch Meals! #SaveALotInsiders

Disclosure: #spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Save A Lot. This could include the Save A Lot providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment.


Recently I was given the opportunity to visit Save A Lot  so I could shop for Back To School groceries. I will confess, it has been such a long time since I’ve been to a Save A Lot store.

When I walked in the store with the kids along side of me they were excited because they knew I was shopping for lunch meals for them to take to school. Each aisle had so many products lined up and the store was fully stocked with everything.
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We made our way through the fruit and veggie section all the way to the juice, meat, bread and snack area.

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The kids were picking up everything they saw for their lunches but not only did I find some great savings for lunch, I also found some great savings on breakfast meals and after school meals.

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As parents, we all know it is very important for our children to start their day off with a good breakfast meal by doing this we know our children would receive the nutrition they need to get them geared up and ready to have a productive day.

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I can truly say Save A Lot  really do have it all for your kids lunch meals, snacks, fruit, juices, lunch meat, fresh salad , bread, yogurt, muffins, and much more all at an affordable price!  That night I gathered the kids and we made lunches for all three. First, we made Jordan’s lunch, he wanted a salami sandwich and some carrots, yogurt, juice, muffins, cheese sticks and I added a pack of crackers for him to enjoy after school. He loves it when I cut his sandwiches up and make cute designs so I decided to cut his sandwich and make a little dog (well I tried to make a dog.lol) with some shredded cheese as his eyes and a salami tongue, he was so excited and once sandwich and carrots were sealed he closed his lunch pail and placed it in the frig.

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My daughter wanted to make her own lunch so she made a bunny turkey sandwich with some fresh fruit, yogurt, Arizona tea, gum and Doritos. She’s in high school so her lunch meal was way different, but funny looking too.
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Last we made Jalen’s lunch, he is such a picky eater and he enjoys salads so his choice this day was a fresh garden salad with chopped meat and feta cheese. We also packed some oranges, a juice, goldfish crackers and a bag of Fritos for an after school snack.  photo ad658627-151e-4879-a3e6-559b3ae657d6_zpsb7dd61d6.jpg

We had such a good time shopping at Save A Lot and the savings were remarkable. I do  understand why they call the store Save A Lot, you really do save a lot indeed! We were able to buy the kids lunch and breakfast meals that will last them for weeks. This week I don’t know what the kids will be fixing, but I do know the meals will diffidently come from the items we purchased from Save-A-Lot!

Thanks SAVE-A- LOT for making my kids lunch meal planning easy for the week and for an very  affordable shopping experience!!



Disclosure: #spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Save A Lot. This could include the Save A Lot providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment.







Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

6 thoughts on “Back To School with Save A Lot Lunch Meals! #SaveALotInsiders

  • Looks like they have a great selection. I have never heard of them before, never seen them down here in Florida.

  • I get SO tired of trying to figure out what’s for lunch! It helps to have a well stocked fridge and pantry!

  • Great lunches. I love the sandwich. Might kids might actually like to pack if I did that.

  • Oh my goodness, those lunches look amazing… My kids would love them. Thanks so much for the ideas…

  • I love how much you can save at Save a Lot and these lunches are just the cutest! My girls would love little lunches like this everyday.


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