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Back in the Saddle: Tips for the Stay-at-Home Mom Returning to Work

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Getting back into your career after taking time off is never easy. Make it a little bit easier with these great tips for the stay-at-home mom returning to work.

Almost 20 percent of parents stay at home and care for their kids. More dads are staying at home nowadays, but in most cases, the mom stays at home while the dad goes to an office job.

But most moms and dads will only stay at home for a short period of time. Some will wait until their youngest child is in kindergarten. Other moms will go back once their baby stops breastfeeding.

The transition period is tough for a stay-at-home mom returning to work. It’s common to feel like you’ve been out of the game too long. But that’s not true.

Read on to find out how to get a job after being a stay-at-home mom.

Don’t Feel Defensive

Women’s work is often devalued. That’s especially true when they leave the workforce for a while. One study found that women who stop working outside the home for a year earn 39 percent less than men on average.

That’s a bummer that leads some women to think they have to overcompensate on their resumes. If you don’t know what to do after being a stay-at-home mom, you’re not alone. For instance, you’ll see moms who list things like “family manager” on the resume.

But that won’t help your case. At best, it will confuse potential employers. At worst, they’ll think you’ve been out of the game too long to know what you’re doing.

If you don’t know how to rebuild your resume, that’s OK. The best resume writers can help you create something that plays up your strengths without making you look insecure or defensive.

Consider Freelancing or Part-Time Work

If you want a full-time job, you can get one. But you may not be able to do so immediately.

The economy is always changing. More people are doing things like driving for ride-share companies or delivering Chinese food.

Finding a job is relatively easy. Finding a full-time job with benefits is trickier, especially if you haven’t worked in a year or two.

To succeed, you’ll have to humble yourself a little bit and accept work that you might not have taken before the kids came along. If you can only get 20 hours a week for now, then take it and make the most of it. For one thing, finding a work-life balance is easier when you work part-time.

Don’t rule out at-home work either. There are jobs you can do from your laptop. If you’re having trouble finding affordable child-care, then temporary remote work can act as a bridge gig.

Set Tangible Goals

It’s natural to fantasize about landing a dream job that will pay you six figures and provide free on-site childcare. But you can’t let your fantasies get in the way of the reality on the ground.

Job-hunting can be draining, but setting tangible goals can make the process more bearable. Try to apply to a set number of jobs a day.

Some people can apply to 10 jobs a day without breaking a sweat. But for most of us, 3 to 5 applications a day is more reasonable.

More Advice for a Stay-at-Home Mom Returning to Work

If you’re a stay-at-home mom returning to work, you’ll probably feel guilty. You should know that going from being home to being in an office is usually tougher on you than your kids.

Good parents can work either outside or inside the home. Parenting is about much more than that.



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