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Home & Garden

The Most Awesome Kitchen Gadgets You Need In 2016.

Can you believe we’re halfway through 2016?! As always, there has been an abundance of new kitchen gadgets hitting the market this year. However, many of us are sticking with tried and tested devices that continue to top the charts in terms of sales. Ultimately, there are loads of great kitchen devices on the market, and we’re going to pick out a select few for you. These are the gadgets that will promote safety, ease-of-use and most importantly, value for money.



Chef’s Choice 1520 Electric Knife Sharpener

A top quality knife sharpener is always a great purchase. Not only will it help you to chop things effectively, but it’s also a safety device. As stated at http://www.knifeista.com/5-easy-ways-to-sharpen-your-knife-without-a-knife-sharpener/, “a dull knife is far more dangerous to you than a sharp one.” This device has a 3-stage sharpening system and is suitable for practically any knife you use it with. It’s pricey, though, so if you can’t afford it, check out the tips in the aforementioned link.

Food Saver V2244 Vacuum Sealing System

The Food Saver V2244 might not seem like a crucial device for the kitchen when first gazing upon it. However, if I told you that you could save up to $2700 a year with it, you’d probably change your mind, right?! It works as a way of sealing your food to keep it fresh. With the sealing system, claims are that it can keep your food fresh for up to five times longer. At the time of writing, it’s still a #1 Best Seller at Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/FoodSaver-Vacuum-Sealing-System-Starter/. Finally, we can ditch those irritating refrigerator bags!



iDevices iGrill2 Thermometer

What better way to bring your grilling habits up to date than with the iGrill 2 thermometer? If you don’t know what this is, the key is in the name. It connects with an app on your phone to ensure that your grilled goods are cooking properly. This app presents you with a variety of different features to get the most out of the iGrill2. You can actually use it to monitor up to four different temperatures, too! This is a Bluetooth device, so you’ll need to sync it with your phone ahead of time. Luckily, you won’t need to worry too much about battery life. It can last over 200 hours on normal AA batteries

Smart Weigh SWS100 Pocket Scale

We lack space in our kitchens, but there are a few essentials that we can’t do without. A high-tech, durable scale is one of them. Smart Weigh took these necessities and created the SWS100, and it’s brilliant. It’s a tiny, pocket scale that packs all the features you’d need into its tiny size. It’s nothing new for 2016, but that’s OK! It’s still one of the most highly popular products on the market, constantly topping Amazon’s kitchen sales. Get online and view the hundreds of incredible reviews this thing is getting.


Whether they’re brand-new or cherished classics, there are some awesome kitchen gadgets on the market. It’s time to splash the cash and enjoy their benefits for yourself.



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