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August Phase 4 Films reviews!!

Our last reviews from Phase 4 Films!! Over the summer the kids and I had a chance to enjoy  quite a few movies from Phase 4 Films some were not even released yet. Since it’s been such a hot summer there were many days we all stayed in.

Just the other day, before the kids went up to our family cabin, we had a chance to review the last three Movies. “My Friend Bernard”, “Rockstar” and “I Heart Shakey”!!

We started off with “My Friend Bernard”

SYNOPSIS: Sam is a shy boy who is afraid of almost everything, from those strange shadows in his room at night to the small dog in his neighborhood. Everything just seems too scary for him! However, one day Sam meets Bernard, a Polar Bear who isn’t afraid of anything. Bernard takes Sam on an epic adventure and helps him lose his fear of flying, snowboarding, which allows him to face the biggest monster with humor!
Our Family views : This animated film has narration the whole movie, the characters never speak at all. I know the kids were a little shocked to see none of the characters speaking but they still enjoyed it. They giggled the entire movie, not sure what really excited them the most about this film but we know something did. They sat still throughout the whole movie, enjoying the Polar Bear and the Penguin! I myself don’t think it was as good as the other movies we watched from our collection, it just didn’t sit to well with my views.
SYNOPSIS: Gloria and Barry live at the bottom of the food chain.But one day an old disco record turns Barry’s life upside down as he decides to make the world’s greatest disco band. Gloria joins in on the fun and rises to stardom as a singing sensation! They have no arms and no rhythm, but earthworms can boogie too!

Our Family reviews: This was a very entertaining movie the kids and I both danced awhile. Love the old music in this movie, I had the kids laughing about how old some of the songs were and what type of dances were out back when those songs were made. Overall is was really good and entertaining….seeing the disco ball  funny too.


I Heart Shakey is a 3D family film about a 35-year-old widower named J.T. O’Neil, his precocious 10-year-old daughter and their devoted mutt Shakey. After moving from a small town to Chicago and missing the fine print in their rental contract, J.T. is forced to try and get rid of his loveable pooch. Shakey and Chandler won’t have it and hatch a plan to keep Shakey and teach J.T. a valuable lesson about loyalty and the importance of keeping family together. —

Our Family views:

We really enjoyed I Heart Shaky, it was a entertaining movie with a great concept. The kids enjoyed seeing how Chandler fought to keep Shakey. It was a very touching movie that kept the kids intrigued as to what was going to happen to Chandler whole family. Out of all the movies we reviewed from this section, I Heart Skakey was the best, the point of teaching kids and others the value of family was a plus in my eyes!

Disclaimer Statement

I received one or more of the products mentioned above from Child’s Play Communication  at no charge for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100 my own and were not influenced by any other source. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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