Amwell Brings the Doctor To You #ad @Amwell #MomsLoveAmWell
Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Amwell via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends .
Have you ever been in a position where you needed to talk to a doctor only for it to be the middle of the night? Or you just have a few questions about something you are experiencing but can’t get right into your doctor? Well with Amwell you can see/speak with a doctor 24/7 right in the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere you can hook up to a mobile device such as your phone, tablet.
Amwell is easy to install: just download the app, sign in, provide your information, and get ready to consult with a live doctor. The site is easy to navigate and with the High-definition visual and audio, you can visually see and hear the physician available. I also like how the online platform lets you test your devices to make sure it’s compactable to their system.
Recently I have had some issues with a bit of a skin irritation from the sun as well as some bug bites that have been quite irritating. So I decided to get a hold of one of the doctors on Amwell’s website. What I really enjoy about Amwell is that not only is it easy to use, but they let you know how long you will have to wait and with which doctor you will be visiting for your appointment. Although it said the average wait time was 10 minutes, it was just about half that time.
As you can see the Amwell site gives me information about Dr. Raina as far as how long he has practiced as well as where he went to school. This I did like as I normally read the doctor’s licenses when I visit their office.
I explained to Dr. Raina that I had been having an irritation from a sunburn and bug bite type rash on top of it. Before I knew it, he said that it sounded like to him it wasn’t so much the slight sunburn I had but that the insect bites were causing the overall irritation. Since I had the slight sunburn underneath that it was making it more painful. He also agreed that it was most likely multiple mosquito bites. Which made him think I seem to have a small allergy to mosquito bites. I provided my pharmacy number in the beginning along with other medical history and insurance information, so he could call in an antibiotic prescription if I needed one.
He did mention that if I happen to get a sunburn again, even if it was a light one I should:
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Help Decrease the Inflammation:
At the first sign of sunburn, taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin, can help with discomfort and inflammation. Also to keep my skin hydrated by putting lotion on while my skin was still damp, and to reapply as the day goes on. It is also important to make sure your lotion is not petroleum or oil based as this will not allow your skin to breathe.
For my mosquito bites:
To take care of an insect bite or sting that causes a mild reaction:
•Move to a safe area to avoid more bites or stings.
•Wash the area with soap and water.
•Apply a cool compress. Use a cloth dampened with cold water or filled with ice.
•Apply a cream, gel or lotion to the injured area. Use products containing ingredients such as hydrocortisone, pramoxine or lidocaine to help control pain. Use creams such as calamine lotion or those containing colloidal oatmeal or baking soda to help soothe itchy skin.
•Use over-the-counter medications. Try a pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), or an antihistamine (Benadryl, Chlor-Trimeton, others).
(Please note: Since I am taking the pain reliever for the sunburn I won’t take extra as it will help both issues.) Since I have both issues going on he said I could do things from both areas to help soothe the irritation I have been having.
With Amwell, you can Save money. Save time. Save yourself.
See A Doctor Now—for $1 for your first appointment. Use Code: TELEVISIT7.
I really enjoy the fact that I can save money, time and not have to leave the house in order to visit an experienced doctor. I am very thankful for Amwell.
You can read about how American Well (Amwell) is positioning itself to be ‘the Amazon of healthcare, take a look at this Wall Street Journal article here to learn more.
Follow Amwell on their Social Media to keep Up-to-date.
Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Amwell via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends .
Looks like this would be great help.
this sounds like a great idea, some days I don’t feel like going to town and seeing the doctor
I’ve actually used it with great success. I recommend it highly.
This is an easy way to have medical advice at your fingertips.
This is a very helpful service to have available. It would be great for families.
What a great idea to have a Doctor available, at your fingertips, to answer basic medical questions.
This is a great way to stay on top of your health . Great giveaway too!
This is such a great idea. I bet it would save tons of time! 🙂
Thank you yet again.
What a great resource for moms!
This would be so easy and convenient to use. Thanks for sharing your review.
I love this idea! It definitely will come in handy with small kiddos around.
This sounds incredible. It would be so nice to have questions answered and have a doctor right there to comfort your worries
I’ve been wanting to try one of these services. It would be so convenient since I live so far from a doctor’s office.
I love having a doctor available at your fingertips. Such a great idea.
This would really come in handy.
This is great to help parents.
I had never heard of this service. It seems awesome and could really help a lot of people. The ER just isn’t the right place for non emergencies so this would help in guiding you
Honestly, it would be pretty nice to talk to a doctor at any time without having to wait for hours in a waiting room or for a call back. (Of course, I’m talking about minor things. That’s a given.)
love this having a dr at your finger tips when you need him thanks for sharing
This would be excellent and also helps to keep down health care costs by not having to pay a copay all the time.
It is quite a drive to our different physicians, so this would be a good option.
I like this idea to bring the doctor to me (so to speak) 🙂 I’m going to have to look into this next time we need to visit the DR.
This is a great option for my family. We live in a very rural area and pretty far from our doctor.
This is a great giveaway!
What a great vutual blog, it is so expensive to go to the dr. nowadays and I cannot always get an appt. this is a great help for me and so many other people without having to go to dr. thanks for the great info
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
Interesting, could be quite useful. i may be a little uncomfortable with it, but i guess no different than going to an ER and not knowing the doctors either.
I love this app so much. Sometimes it’s not possible or it’s borderline dumb to drag myself all the way to the doctor but nowadays there are certain things you have to actually have an MDs face look at you, telling you what you already know, for insurance to cover a prescription.
I love that anybody can use this whether it’s from the comfort of home or on the go. Thanks for sharing and letting us know about Amwell!
Love that it can be used 24/7…that makes it so awesome!
Thanks for the info.
This is a great idea! Neat! Thanks for sharing!
This is great because it is always hard to get in to the doctor.
This phone real sharpe I need a new one
This would have been amazing when I was a young mom frantic with a sick child in the middle of the night. I love this!
This is a great idea. it really make dealing with the minor things so much easier and convenient.
Amwell sounds like a wonderful service. There have been many times as a stay at home mom who does not drive, that I’ve needed a few answers from the doc, but our pediatricians office always says to bring the kids in and even my doc always says I need to come in and that they can’t give advice over the phone. This would definitely be useful.
This is such a great idea! I need to bookmark this so I can remember!
This is so cool that people are able to do this! If you think back to 100 years ago this wasn’t even a dram in anyone’s mind. But now, technology has made it possible.
This is great and looks like it’s easy to use.
What a great idea, especially when you are away and need a doctor
This is neat. Very useful.
This is such a good idea. I have often thought that it would save a lot of money and time if I could simply ask advice on whether a symptom could be dealt with at home and what signals a need for an office visit.
This is a truly awesome program. Great for those with children.
This seems like a great service for those new moms that have a lot of concerns. It looks like it is easy to use and would be helpful in most “emergency” room visits.
I will definitely keep this in mind next time one of us thinks we need to see the doctor! What a timesaver!
Thank you for the coupon code for the first use! Amwell is much easier than driving to a walk in clinic!
i love the idea of Amwell, 2nd only to my doctor who actually makes house calls. will research this one some more
I did not realize that something like this was out there. What a convenience.
This is amazing! Not sure how it would be with serious cases. Thank you.
Sounds vey interesting, thanks.
What a great prize, has everything you need!
This is going to be the way of the future in a couple of years…..just like automated telephone systems…….This could be a good thing everyone in awhile though
This sounds good for minor issues. I always wondered thought like if you needed a prescription if you would be able to get one from them. Nice to know you can.
I would love to win this giveaway (:
I like this idea, as sometimes (or all the time) it’s so hard to get into the doctor these days, and something that can be taken care of at home without leaving the house makes it so much easier for a busy family
This is such a helpful resource! As a SAHM it is not always possible for me to take the kids to the Dr. (we currently share a vehicle) so it’s nice and so useful to be able to get expert advice from home.
Thanks for the information.
I think this would be a blessing to some people that just can’t always go into the office. This would be nice for those times my kids have a bump and bruises and you know they are probably ok but you just want to make sure. I love this!
This would be great to use during those times late at night when I am not sure if I should go to the emergency room or not. I always end up going and most times I could have waited and and made a doctors appointment.
Instead of going out for a long drive to the doctor, I can do it right in my house without leaving and I really like this. I would definitely give it a try.
This is awesome! I wish I had this when my kids were young. It will be great for mothers with new babies and lots of questions.
I love how easy this is to set up and use, I really like that they help you to find what you are looking for, from a nurse , dr and so on..
I like this! It looks easy to use
Wow, what a great service. Perfect for when you don’t need to go to the doctor’s but would like to talk to someone about an issue.
Sounds like the way of the future. I’ve seen ads all over TV for various forms of digital doctor visits. This looks very promising.
I think this is a fabulous thing for busy parents! Sometimes it is hard to be able to fit in a doctor appointment within your available hours! I need to find out the best way to treat this poison ivy!
What a great service. Very happy to have this information. Should be very useful. Thanks so much.
This sounds nice
I like this concept!
I love this. What a great way to save time and money
Wow……technology has come a long way! This looks like a super useful service. It would be so much easier- and cheaper- to use….rather than dragging a sick child to urgent care.
There are so many times where Amwell would have saved me a lot of time and effort and money,when I could have gotten medical advice from home.
This is something I can definitely use
Amazing! I think this could be a great tool for minor things. Intersted in seeing how far this goes!
Interesting..I need to check into they write rx? Need antibiotics..
What are the charges for an Amwell doctor consult? Do they accept insurance? Interesting concept!
I would rather see the doctor in person. Skyping is ok to keep in touch with friends and family far away but not your doctor for medical advice.
I get mosquito bites all the time, these tips will help me. Thanks.
This would have come in really handy for me earlier this week when I woke up with a strange bite on my arm! Thanks for sharing this information!!
I was glad to read about the mosquito bites. I live in the south, and the mosquitoes are everywhere.
Health is number 1 thanks for sharing..
I really love the concept of Amwell. I like that it’s convenient if you can’t or don’t want to leave your home, but yet still need to see a doctor. However, it’s not great for people that live in rural areas, where high speed internet isn’t available.
What a cool idea! I’ve never herd of Amwell before :]
What an amazing giveaway this is and anybody with a child in or starting college should check them out!
Oh wow I love this. It looks so easy to use and being able to do it from your own home makes it even nicer! I love how everything is laid out so clearly for you!