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Home & Garden

8 Easy Kitchen Organization Ideas For Small Spaces

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Working in an organized kitchen is a lot more enjoyable. This is so mostly in a small kitchen with minimum space. To organize such small kitchens is a cheap affair and only requires some few affordable items and with the help of some easy and little tricks, the kitchen life is made easier. Below are some unmatched and unique ways one can use to organize a kitchen with less money, effort and time.

  • Making use of Pull-Outs

Having many kitchen gadgets in the kitchen cabinets can be messy. Some of them will end up being forgotten whether they really are there because they lie so deep at the back of such kitchen cabinets. The tip to solving this kind of problem is through the use of plastic bins as pull-outs. According to village-bakery.com, it starts with taking the time to group the kitchen items into categories. These categories are comprised of items with the same use or which serve the same purpose, for example, putting cutleries aside in their own category. Label these categories and place the items in your plastic pull-outs. It will be easier now to access your items by just a pull!

  • Use Short Tension Rods

Staking up cutting boards, platters, and oven trays are boring and make the whole impression of the kitchen look disoriented. It impairs visibility of such items and in most cases; they are mixed up and therefore not easily reachable. In the kitchen, one can use tension rod dividers which are made from short tension rods. Make sure that the sizes of the slots are customized to ensure the items fit. After creating the dividers, the cutting boards, oven trays, and platters can be placed upright. This makes them easily accessible and easy to see.

  • Pegboards

These are boards which have patterned holes where pegs can be fitted. It is a perforated form of hardboard. Pegboards are capable of holding about anything using the right hooks. It can be made to be compact or as big as one wishes and the arrangement can be done all year out depending on the storage needs available. To make it beautiful, paint it with bold color and make sure attention is set to how the elements on the board are arranged. Make it look like an art display.

  • Wall Storage Closet

Empty wall space in the kitchen can be used to store little kitchen items like drink mixes, spices, soup mix, etc. Sink caddies are attached with fastener strips (Velcro) to the pantry wall. The pantry makeover is simple to construct and will help in easing congestion in a small kitchen.

  • Re-purposed Magazine Rack

A magazine rack can be used in the kitchen to hold up small and even long boxes. The magazine racks are attached to the inside of a kitchen cupboard door. This attachment makes it easier to access the boxes and at the same time keeping the rack hidden because when the cupboard door is closed they also get closed inside. The rack can be made if different material but a rack made of a metal mesh is perfect because one can drill screws short in size through the already existing holes.

  • Mounted knife blocks of a magnet

Find a heavy duty magnetic block and use it to attach or support knives. These magnetic knife blocks do not take up more space as it is taken by the normal standing knife blocks. To make it even more useful, make the magnetic knife block double and use the side of a refrigerator. Sticking knives on such magnet blocks make them less dangerous in the kitchen when they are not in use and ensure they are safely kept.

  • Storage above the cabinet.

The above-the-cabinet storage is ideal storage for some of the stuff an individual needs but not needed all the time. This stuff could include light bulbs, batteries, kitchen tools, etc. make sure to use uniform and enclosed baskets. Apart from baskets, one can use boxes which should be spread in a sparse spacing.

  • Pull-Out Chopping Block

If the kitchen is short on usable counter space, installations can be made. Underneath the counter, one can set up a cutting board; This usually where the drawer goes. This helps to create room for kitchen work. It is easier to make and if an individual finds it hard to do, they can get a builder to construct it for them.

The mentioned among other tips of maximizing the space in a small kitchen help to decongest the kitchen. These tips make work done in the kitchen easier and one does not require having lots of money to organize a kitchen. Just some little bright ideas, less money, less time, and minimal effort.



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