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Home & Garden

7 Reasons You Should Treat Yourself To a House Cleaner This Year

This year could be the year when things really clean up and fall into place no matter what your history with decluttering and cleanliness happens to be. Whether you’re a working mom on the go, you have a big house to take care of or you simply need a little bit of a reboot on your cleaning habits, there are plenty of reasons you might want to treat yourself to a house cleaner or cleaning service this year. If you’re thinking about calling up a cleaning service, you may want to lean into it, because here are seven reasons why you should give one a try.

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1.  Getting a Fresh Start

Especially at the very beginning of the new year, one reason why you might want to treat yourself to a house cleaner or cleaning service is the ability to start fresh with a clean slate in the new year. Even if you don’t plan to keep this going as a habit, having somebody help you out can be an extremely transformative experience. This allows you to take a breath of fresh air and focus more on the maintenance of a clean home than overhauling your entire space at once.

2.  Staying On Top of Things

Whether you plan to treat yourself to a house cleaner regularly or just once, having somebody come to help you out can help you stay on top of things in your home. If you happen to have an extremely busy life, finding the time to clean can be more difficult than you imagine. This is why bringing in somebody else to help you out can be a great solution. This way, you can focus on what matters most in your life and the tasks that only you can do.

3.  Giving Yourself a Breather

Sometimes, even if you are the kind of person who stays on top of your cleaning regimen regularly, it can be nice to give yourself a little bit of a breather. Having a tight schedule for cleaning can be exhausting from time to time, especially right after the holidays. There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a little bit of a rest. In fact, it might help you feel a bit more motivated to continue in your routine throughout the new year.

4.  A Deeper Clean

One of the best things that you can expect from a cleaning service is that you will inevitably get a deeper clean than you can accomplish yourself. This is because they are trained professionals who have professional grade tools in order to get the job done. When you hire someone to come in and pay close attention to the task at hand, you will inevitably get a better skill level and attention to detail. Whether you’re talking about cleaning the countertops or vacuuming carpets, you might notice a much deeper clean at the end of your first cleaning session.

5.  Incentive to Declutter

Another reason why you might want to treat yourself to a house cleaner in the new year is to incentivize yourself and your family to declutter your space. Many families make the New Year’s resolution to get rid of clutter or to pear down their belongings. If this sounds like you, there’s no better incentive than a clean house waiting at the other end of the task. Not only can this be a great reward for decluttering, but I can also totally transform your living environment.

6.  More Focus on Independent Tasks

There are a few things that a cleaning service simply won’t do for you. Unless you request otherwise or seek out a service that specifically tackles these tasks, you will likely have to handle things like laundry, windows, pest problems and dishes on your own. Luckily, this is why a cleaning service can come in handy. When you don’t have to worry about cleaning some of the larger stuff, you can focus on the independent tasks that specifically need your attention.

7.  Adjusting to Your Needs

One of the best things about hiring a cleaning service or a house cleaner is that you can adjust the services to your own needs as you move forward. You might not need your house cleaner more than once. However, you might need them once a week. You might start off with once a week and then switch to every other week. There are so many ways to make sure that you are getting what you want out of the situation, no matter what it is.

Cleaning House

No matter what kind of household you have, there are so many reasons why you might want to treat yourself to a house cleaner in the new year. Not only can I help you get a fresh start and a jump on things, but I can also give you a better outlook on decluttering and give you more time to focus on things that matter. You can find somebody to pitch in once a month, once a week or simply as a treat to kick off the year. It’s up to you and what you need!



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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