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6 Tips for Coping With Postpartum Depression

Experiencing postpartum depression after giving birth is not uncommon, but it can wreak havoc on your mental health. Understanding which options and resources you have available near you when you’re going through postpartum depression can help to better navigate the experience while allowing you to understand and cope with your emotions and decisions as best as possible. Here are some tips to consider.


1. Find a Support Group

If you believe you’re suffering from postpartum depression, it’s important to know you’re not alone. It’s estimated that approximately one in four adults in the United States alone suffers from some form or another of a mental illness or behavioral disorder, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Finding a support group can help you connect with other women who are also experiencing postpartum depression.

2. Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Anytime you’re struggling with postpartum depression, it’s essential to schedule and attend follow-up appointments with your OBGYN. Ongoing routine check-ups can ensure you’re on the right track to recovery. When you see your OBGYN routinely after giving birth, you can also pinpoint specific triggers, anxieties, and stressors that are directly related to being a new mother.

3. Learn About Postpartum Depression

Understanding postpartum depression is essential as a new mother, especially if you’re unsure of what to expect. If your child was born with a disability or a condition you’re not educated about, your anxieties can increase. For example, Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita is an exceedingly rare condition that impacts one in 3,000 births. The more educated you are, the better support you can find for yourself and your child as you navigate new motherhood.

4. Speak Openly With Your Partner

Being as open and honest with your partner about your postpartum experience is imperative. Having a supportive partner can make all the difference in your journey to a full recovery. They should understand your needs emotionally and physically as you work through adjusting to your new way of life.

5. Reorganize Your Living Space

While you may not feel like cleaning as you’re dealing with postpartum depression, there might come a time when you experience a burst of motivation or inspiration. A clean living area can help up to 60% of individuals feel less stressed, 72% of people feel more productive, and a whopping 80% of individuals feel more relaxed, which is essential when you’re experiencing postpartum depression. Working with your partner on creating a cleaning routine to maintain calm living spaces in your home may be the best route for you.

6. Seek Professional Therapy

Finding the right therapist can also help you cope with postpartum depression, even if you believe you can handle the signs and symptoms on your own. Working with a counselor who specializes in postpartum depression is a way to gain insight into the condition, too. You’ll also be presented with various techniques to help alleviate your most exacerbated symptoms.

The more familiar you are with the signs of postpartum depression, the easier it’ll be for you to build a support group of family members, partners, and in some cases, even trusted counselors. When you feel as if you have an outlet to express how you feel regarding your postpartum depression, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed and burnt out, especially during the early days of motherhood.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

9 thoughts on “6 Tips for Coping With Postpartum Depression

  • Pingback: Assisting Individuals Who Have Depression

  • thanks so much for sharing this which is sure to help those undergoing postpartum or other depression/mental health issues.. seeking and using the help provided is so critical

  • Postpartum Depression is hard after having felt immense pain and body transformation when giving birth. Those are some great tips to keep in mind.

  • These are great tips for coping with postpartum depression and definitely a conversation worth having over and over until people are more aware of the signs and symptoms of this. Until people are finally comfortable enough to ask for help when they’re experiencing it!

  • I struggled with postpartum hormones really bad after my third. I’m not sure if it’s because I had a Csection or if it was because he was my last baby. My dr put me on Zoloft and that helped a ton.

  • Any kind of depression is hard…postpartum much more, since there’s a baby one has to take care of. Support from even one person will make a lot of difference. Great tips!

  • From finding a supportive community to attending follow-up appointments and seeking professional therapy, each suggestion offers a beacon of hope for those struggling with postpartum depression.

  • Having a baby is hard. I remember when I brought my first child home and I was so unprepared for things.

  • This is tough. I went through it a bit, and it can be the worst feeling! Never be afraid to get help.


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