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NH News

6 Millennial Dating Tips

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The formal dating rules of yesterday no longer apply and are completely useless. It is widely known that dating styles have changed almost beyond recognition. So much so that even when you go out on what would be considered an official date, the word “date” is not even used. You can often hear people ask, “…technically, what is dating.”

The traditional ways of meeting someone at your favorite local hangout spot has now been replaced with meeting people online. With the option to meet people online and the feeling of having unlimited options, it has caused people to be less vested making actual “dating” harder.

As there is no longer a formula for dating, here are a few strategies you should follow as you approach millennial dating.

  1. Pursue someone who shows interest in you.

The whole point is to meet someone that can be a potential companion, so first things first are to pursue someone who actually shows interest in you. Time is a commodity and the last thing you want to do is waste it chasing after someone who is not interested in you. Realize that people are not playing hard to get and that they are simply not interested.

  1. Be more proactive.

Do not be afraid to make the first move. The concept that men are the ones that have to make the first move or that if a woman makes the first move then she is easy no longer exists. You can possibly miss out on a wonderful relationship waiting for the other party to make the first move. Whether online or in-person, be direct. The other party will respect that.

  1. Be selective.

If you love skiing, do not attempt to date someone who hates the cold and snow. This may seem like common sense, no-brainer yet in this image-obsessed, filter using world it is easy to get distracted by looks. Yes, we all want someone that is attractive and that we are attracted to; however, looks are not the only thing to focus on. Be selective and find those of which have similar interests that you do.

  1. Stay firm with your boundaries

If the situation is that the relationship is moving at a pace you are not comfortable with (whether that is too slow or fast) or the person is asking you to do activities that you already expressed that you have no interest in, it is best for all parties involved to stay firm with your boundaries. Let the person know if things are moving too fast and you are not comfortable. It is better to be clear early on then to have to go backwards and address the issue.

  1. Be clear about what you do and don’t want.

Sometimes action speaks louder than words and, in the times, when they do not, it is time to use your words. If you know you are not ready for a serious relationship, say that. Be clear to avoid miscommunication, confusion, and hurt feelings.

  1. Enjoy the moment you’re in.

Stop trying to rush and skip vital steps of the process meaning take your time to get to know the person. Try to connect with the person so that you build communication, trust, and get a sense of who the person is before you attempt to rush into a serious relationship.

While you can meet people online, look for potential relationships with a long-term friend, someone you have met through work, or by connecting through a friend or family member. When entering into a blossoming situation, be open and communicative by stating specifically what you are looking for from the relationship.


By communicating freely, both parties are privy to where the other stands and you can walk away if it’s not what you want and remain on good terms. Click here to visit Interracialdating.com to get more information on how to maneuver in this dating climate, especially if you’re ready to dip into the interracial dating pool.








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