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Home & Garden

6 Cute Things You Need In Your Bathroom


If you think it is time to revamp your bathroom, I might just have a few tips that can help you along the way. The truth of the matter is that your bathroom should be the coziest room in your entire home. This space is where you come to unwind after a long day at work. I have already given you some bathroom design tips last year, but I think it is time to update my advice. Here are six cute things you need in your bathroom.

  1. Heated towel rail

I think that everyone should have heated towel rails in their bathroom. Some people tend to believe that these things cost a fortune, but that is not the case. The reality of it is that these rails will cost you less than a radiator, and they will make a massive difference to the room. When you step out of the bath or shower, you want to make sure that you feel comfortable. If you have a heated rail, you can grab a warm towel right away.

  1. New cubicles

When was the last time you replaced your cubicle? If you don’t pay any attention to your shower cubicle, it will look old and messy. That is not what you want. There are loads of contemporary designs out there on the market now. That means that you have a chance to create something chic in your room. If you want something stunning and original, you should view Bella Bathrooms enclosures. These shower enclosures are quite something and might just suit your bathroom.

  1. Beautiful mats

Some people don’t think that they need mats in their bathroom, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you get out of the shower, you need to step on something comfortable. You should invest in a quality mat for this room. Get one that is massive and fluffy. That way, you will find that it is an excellent addition to your room. What more could you want?

  1. Underfloor heating

If you want real luxury, you can’t go wrong with underfloor heating. It might surprise you to find that you can install heating under the floor yourself. Doing so will save you a whole lot of cash. Look for guides online that will show you the step by step process. If you follow one of these guides, you will find that it is much easier than you think to install the heating elements. Once you have completed the job, you can start enjoying a warm floor.

  1. Pressure shower heads

When you get in the shower, is the water powerful. There are plenty of ways you can increase the pressure in your shower. If you get a new head for your shower, it could make a difference. These days, there are loads of different models out there, which means that you have your choice of loads of heads. You might want to get one with LED lights in it or even different settings.

  1. Stand alone tub

Nothing looks better than a stand alone tub. This bath can serve as the centerpiece of your room. When people walk into your bathroom, it is the first thing they will see (and admire). You can get loads of these tubs online, which means that you have no excuse for not getting one. Start searching now and see whether you can get yourself a bargain. Remember, sale season is just around the corner!

I hope that my list of things helps you when you come to design your bathroom space. Remember, the more work you put into this project, the better it will be.


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