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5 Unique Activities for Your Next Vacation

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If you’re planning your next vacation, then you have a lot of decisions to make. You’ll have to book your travel, grab some lodging, and of course, plan out all of the activities that you’re going to enjoy during your time off!

But if you’re like most people, you might find yourself planning the same vacation activities over and over again. Sometimes that’s a good thing (what’s a beach vacation without a few days of just sitting around on the beach?), but other times, it can be a bit boring.

That’s why it’s time to spice things up. Below, you’ll find some less common activities that could spice up your vacation. Add one to your trip’s schedule or start crafting a whole new vacation plan around one!


There’s a lot of fun to be had on the beach, but there are even more things to do out on the water. And some watersports and activities don’t require any training or athletic ability on your part.

Take parasailing, for instance: it’s a great way to get an adrenaline rush without actually having to do anything. In parasailing, you get strapped into a big parachute and then get towed behind a boat. It’s a bit like riding on a giant kite, according to experts who offer parasailing in Palm Beach, Florida.

Wildlife tour

In some places, a wildlife tour is all but essential to a proper vacation. From the plains of Africa to the Australian Outback, are you really going to complete your trip without going out and seeing some wild animals?

But, actually, you don’t have to travel to any place too exotic in order to take a safari tour. There are a lot of great wildlife tours at National Parks here in the United States, and even more safari tours in wildlife parks. Rather than look at animals through glass at the zoo, why not take a ride through a safari park?

Horseback riding

Ever seen City Slickers? Well, there are real-life Western experiences available, and not all of them demand that you spend a bunch of nights off on the trail with Curly. Trail rides are a great way to spend a little time on horseback without going beyond your comfort zone, and there are plenty of guided trail rides offered by companies that cater to relative beginners.

Dog sledding

Do you hear that? That’s the call of the wild! While plenty of us take cold-weather vacations like Alaskan cruises, trips to ski resorts, and so on, not many of us have experienced the ultimate in winter transportation. You can change that by going on a dog sled ride — such rides are offered by businesses aimed at tourists in places as far apart as Alaska and the Colorado Rockies.

Cage diving

Does snorkeling sound to unadventurous? Does regular old scuba diving feel a bit too obvious? Then perhaps you’re ready to go cage diving and experience the thrill and awe of seeing dangerous creatures in the wilds of the sea — from within a secure cage, of course.

Cage diving in shark-infested waters is something that you can do in more places than you might think. And sharks aren’t the only animals you can witness from behind bars. There are even places where you can go cage diving around crocodiles! It’s a thrill, but it’s perfectly safe. Just keep your arms and legs behind the bars, please.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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