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Home & Garden

5 Tips On Fully Embracing Your New Village Life.

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Moving to a village or small town is the ultimate dream for some. The draw of a friendly community, fresh country air and a slower pace of life can be hard to beat. Whether you’ve always dreamt of living in a village, or you’ve just moved to a small town, you might start to experience a huge culture shock. Living in a village is completely different to a city or big town, so it can take some getting used to, even if it’s what you want. So, if you’d like to figure out how to fit right in and embrace life in a village, here’s a few helpful hints.

Make Friends With Neighbors

The first thing that you’re going to want to do is make friends with your new neighbors. This can mean the people that live right next door and even a few streets over. Chances are, everyone will want to come and say hello to you either at home or around the village anyway. Because greeting new homeowners is just something kind small town folk like to do. You’ll also find that you’ll start to make friends and settle in right away.

Grow Vegetables

It might be a huge cliché, but there’s a reason why growing vegetables in a small town home or village cottage is a thing. It’s not only a lot of fun, but you’ve got the land and the fresh air to do it in. Plus, who doesn’t want to enjoy the fruits of their labor? You can pick seeds for your favorite fruits and veggies and nurture them until they’re ready to eat. You might even have enough to share with your friends and family further afield.


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Get Around

When you live in a bigger town or a city, you might have a super swanky car or even no car at all (thank you Uber!). However, in a village, things run a little differently. Lots of local amenities, like the school and grocery store, might be within walking distance, which might mean you don’t even need a vehicle. But, you might want to look into getting something for yourself, like a bicycle or electric scooter, that can zip you from A to B in no time at all – extra handy when you have errands to run. If you are interested to know about the engine size of scooters, overall speed, and gas mileage, click this link.

Get Involved

You might find yourself sucked into this one, but it’s still a good way to enjoy village life. In small towns, everyone is a part of the community. Whether that’s engraved bricks fundraising for a local cause, or organizing a seasonal event, you’re going to want to get involved in town activities. Sometimes, your name could be put down for things for you, but if not, think about where you could use your skills and join in.

Join The PTA

And while you’re signing yourself up for things, join the PTA at your child’s school too. It’s always good to have a proactive involvement in their education, and it could be away for you to make friends as well as show that you care.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “5 Tips On Fully Embracing Your New Village Life.

  • I’d love to grow more vegetables in my area. It would be an awesome opportunity for my son to learn more about the food he eats too.

  • I definitely recommend joining the PTA. We have always been very active volunteers with our kids’ schools and the PTA can do so much good!

  • Since moving to a small town, I love that we have some acreage. We have started planting a garden, have gotten a lot of chickens, goats, and bunnies, and have made friends with our neighbors! I love our community.

  • Having grown up in a small town/village, I don’t know that I’d want to return. Not until technology catches up to them and they get decent internet service!

  • These are really good tips for those moving to small towns or new villages. When we first moved into our small town, we got to meet and know our neighbors. We never got to know most of our neighbors when we lived in a bigger city. It’s a really nice change.


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