Home & Garden

5 Tips for Dealing with Pests This Summer

Nobody wants to live around pests when the summer months come rolling around. However, they are a major problem, and it is important that you know exactly how to deal with them. Your home is likely to attract various pests of all shapes and sizes, so take these tips on board in order to live peacefully and enjoy the sunny days while they last. 


Be Proactive in the Garden

If it has been a while since you mowed the lawn and trimmed the flowers, then now is the time to do it. Rodents and bugs thrive in unkempt environments and when they set up a home outside, it won’t be long before they try to find a way in. Stop them in their tracks by making sure your garden and outdoor areas are neat, tidy, and well maintained. 

Clear Up Any Standing Water

Standing water is a top cause of infestations. When it is left unattended, this is when the problems start. Once something decides it is there to stay, it is even harder to get rid of. So, if you notice any spots where there is standing water, especially if it is becoming stagnant, then get to the source of the problem as soon as possible. 

Act Fast When You See a Problem

If you do spot any classic signs of a pest problem, for example, droppings or visible sightings of ants and so on, take action quickly. Call up an expert in this department like Spidexx pest control services and tell them all about what you’ve noticed. They will be able to tell you exactly what the problem is and provide a service that deals with it head on. Direct approaches are often the best way to tackle any pest problem, and they will ensure that you don’t spend all summer trying to fix something you don’t have the tools or knowledge to make right. 

Don’t Leave Food About

Food is a big point of attraction for birds, rats and mice, certain insects, and even bats in some areas. Wherever possible, during those wonderful summer BBQ sessions, make sure everything is covered up and promptly tidied away. This includes all the food and drinks you may leave outdoors, and the things inside too. Clean up any crumbs or ice cream drips immediately, and don’t make yourself vulnerable to infestations because of a forgotten popsicle wrapper. 

Wasps in particular are the biggest perpetrator of hanging around for sweet treats and fizzy drinks because they are attracted to the smell and bright colors. If a nest is made, then you have a serious problem on your hands because once they get inside your property, it is likely to be in a hard-to-reach place. They can still cause chaos and pose a serious risk to your family’s health. 

Fix Up Gaps in Doors and Windows

Summer is the perfect time to perform an audit of your property. Everything is bright and visible, and there are lots of daylight hours to have a good look around to spot any potential problems that need resolving. Windows and doors are the biggest things to observe. There are often gaps in the sealant or cracks that appear after the winter is finished and the warmth comes back, and these are prime points of entry for any small creature that wants to come inside. Make a list of jobs and go around fixing them as soon as you can. 

Summer shouldn’t be cut short because of a pest problem. Look out for any signs of an infestation and take action quickly if any red flags are there. You don’t need pests stopping you from enjoying the sunshine, and your home deserves to be protected.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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