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The 5 Key Differences between Scalp Micropigmentation and Tattoos

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One of the most common forms of cosmetic modification that is sought out by essentially anyone is hairline additives. They can thicken out the look of your scalp, help mask a bald spot, or even visually repair receding hairlines. However, there are two distinct methods of going about it, the common tattoos, and Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). Below are the five main differences between the two and why SMP may be the better option.

  1. Finer tools mean cleaner more realistic results:

The tools used in Scalp Micropigmentation are needles, just like in tattoos. The main difference between both techniques is that the needles in SMP are much more fine-tipped and even layered. This allows for increased accuracy which in the case of hair treatments can help it look fuller and more natural. The SMP needles also come in various sizes and tips which allows multiple levels of dyeing to occur. This leads to even better and longer-lasting results.

  1. SMP’s technique is more refined:

In order to make sure proper results are acquired there has to be a more expansive and in-depth training of those who are qualified to administer it. Conventional tattoo artists are creative and have a stronger background in art, SMP requires a more exact setup and careful implementation.

  1. Pigment Selection:

Tattoos typically use certain dyes that have a tendency to fade. When tattoo dyes fade they can even typically become more of a green color than fading down back to the interval’s skin color. This problem does not often occur with Scalp Micropigmentation. SMP used a specific palette selection that has the color match much closer to how it should look. These higher-quality pigment choices also are less likely to fade into odd colors.

  1. Session Numbers:

Tattoos, in this case, may have the upper hand. Most tattoos are done in one session with moderately lasting results. Due to scalp micropigmentation being a more complex procedure there can be a range of required visits to achieve the best quality end results. Around 2-5 sessions can be required to reach the level of detail expected from the procedure. This is a double-edged sword. Going with the quicker option means you are getting out of it what you put in!

  1. Safety:

 While going to tattoo parlors most of the time is a safe experience, SMP clinics have medical-grade levels of cleanliness and standard safety procedures. No one wants a dirty needle or improper safety treatments!



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