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5 Degrees You’re Better Off Earning Online.

Some of the most successful people in the world believe that the one thing that you should invest on is yourself. The more knowledge and skills you have, the higher your “market value” becomes. You will land in the best jobs in the biggest companies in the world and you will have a brighter career ahead of you. If you are currently thinking about going back to school to earn additional degrees, you might want to consider taking career certificate classes.

What are the benefits of taking courses online?

The primary benefit of online education is the flexibility that it offers. Unlike most educational institutions, courses offered on the Internet by self paced online colleges have varying schedules that are perfect for those who plan to juggle a 9 to 5 job together with their studies. In addition to this, you get to save a lot in terms of cost of transportation. This way, you can actually earn your degree right from the comforts of your own home. Taking online courses offers you so much convenience and at the same time, it also helps you develop the discipline of time management. Most online courses also offer you easier access to your professors and your classmates since lessons are consolidated on the Internet. You simply have to log on to your chat forums and post questions to your professors.

What are some of the most common degrees that you can earn online?

1.) Accounting
If you are a small to medium business owner and you do not have a solid background in accounting, it would be best for you to take online accounting courses. Having a strong background in accounting will help you run your business better because numbers are always a good indication of how your business is performing. You will learn how to do effective bookkeeping, how to handle your employee’s payroll, and how to develop your cash flow system. If you are already working in the corporate world, you might also want to enroll in online accounting courses to further advance your career. You will learn how to do auditing and tax preparation work as well.

2.) Graphic Design
If you have always had a talent for the arts, you can always satisfy your passion for learning by taking online graphic design courses. These courses will sharpen your skills and enhance your knowledge by giving you state-of-the-art training in the most advanced tools while at the same time educating you about traditional design concepts. Some courses can be as short as 10-weeks while others go up to two years. Having a graphic design degree will help you earn extra income by offering your services online or to your friends and family.

3.) Computer Science
Today’s world is driven by computers and the Internet. Having a solid foundation in computers will help you enhance your career and open up bigger opportunities for you. Most online computer courses will require you to have an undergraduate degree in any computer-related course and you may opt to choose from a one-year, two-year or three-year program. The best thing about getting additional computer courses online is that you get to stay ahead and keep up with the latest in technology. This will give you the edge that you need when it comes to your career, whether you run your own business or you are aiming to climb the corporate ladder.

4.) Health Care
Have you been working in the health care industry for several years now? Are you yearning to take you career to new heights? The best thing for you to do is to take online health care courses. This is the easiest way for you to fast track your career and make you more attractive to employers all over the country. With a career-specific online education, you will be trained in different allied health careers such as health information technology, healthcare management, medical billing and coding. This will open doors for you in terms of your career and will help you achieve the success that you have always envisioned for yourself.

5.) Education
If you have always dreamt of becoming a teacher or you are considering teaching as a second career, you can opt to take your education degree online. There are many universities that offer online certificate classes that have flexible schedules and reliable training. The goal of these online classes is to allow you to leverage your current experience in the field of education and to find a feasible balance between your present job, your family and your studies. You will have the support of a dedicated mentor who will guide you through your studies even after graduation.


Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education and technology. In this article, he talks about five degrees that offer excellent online programs. He aims to encourage further education with a study of an applied behavior analysis program online





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15 thoughts on “5 Degrees You’re Better Off Earning Online.

  • I am glad to know online courses cover a wide variety of options. The ability to learn from my own home at my own pace really appeals to me. Thank you!

  • I don’t think I have enough motivation to get an online degree.

  • Good information on the online courses. Would like to take a computer science course myself

  • Accounting is what I think I can study online !

  • Computer Science is my fav. !!

  • Thanks for the information.I think basic level Health Carecan be learned online

  • Computer Science

  • I would love to take an online course if I could ever find the time!

  • I have been thinking about doing an online course.

  • Health Care is What I’ll choose !!!

  • Thanks for the information.I think basic level accounting can be learned online,but higher levels should be learned in the classroom.Graphic design would be a great degree to get.

  • The computer science is something my husband may be looking into in the future, so something to think about, thanks.

  • Computer Science is probably one of the best careers to have since technology is constantly be updated and advancing at an extremely fast pace. Always a need for it!

  • These days, the opportunity to earn you degree online is a God send. Great article and thanks for all the great information on the top degrees to earn online.


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