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Beauty & Fashion

3 simple lifestyle changes for men that make all the difference

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Most men have been there at some point in their lives. Whether it’s carrying a few extra pounds we want to shed, not feeling quite as physically fit as our youth, maybe even encountering difficulties we’d rather not discuss beyond the bedroom. These are some simple ways to change things for the better.

Food for thought

Image Source: Pexels

“You are what you eat” is a saying we’re all familiar with and there’s a lot of truth in those words. A balanced and healthy diet goes a very long way towards helping keep our bodies in tip-top physical conditions, along with aiding in the avoidance of so many medical conditions. Of course, there are countless guides available on the internet, all offering different ways to improve our eating habits, although there are some basics common to practically all of them.

Simple tips from medical experts cited at yoga website Gaiam include combining regular exercise with a healthy diet. Avoiding processed and highly refined foods is a recommended change to make, turning instead to eating more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Staying hydrated is also important, drinking plenty of water instead of canned sodas packed full of sugar, caffeine-rich drinks or alcoholic beverages.

Likewise, planning when we eat is just as important as the food we consume. A hectic and busy lifestyle rarely goes hand-in-hand with healthy eating patterns, so putting aside time to eat the right foods is a great contributor towards feeling healthier. Three to five meals spread evenly throughout the day helps energy and avoid cravings. Although it’s not always easy to plan fixed meals, if we are going to snack during the day, choose something like cherry tomatoes instead of sweets, celery sticks instead of chocolate bars, berries instead of burgers.

Opening the door on taboo topics

Image Source: Pexels

When it comes to doing a little homework about certain conditions that men often tend to avoid discussing in the open, discreet pharmacy websites such as e-Surgery can be a good place to start. By learning about sexual health issues such as erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation, treatments for hair loss or even skin conditions such as cold sores, it can quickly become easier for men to discover they’re not alone and that help is available.

Knowing potential causes and possible treatments for a variety of different conditions is always helpful. It’s also a good step towards becoming more comfortable discussing such topics with your partner, friends, and medical practitioners. No matter how embarrassed we might feel talking to others about what we consider to be embarrassing topics of discussion, they’re actually something that can affect us all from time to time.

According to Verywell Health surveys undertaken in 2018, around 56 per cent of men in the United States prefer to avoid openly discussing their health issues. Sharing experiences with others and talking about taboo health topics might not be easy, but it is perhaps the greatest aid in helping find the right solutions, rather than suffering alone. As the old adage goes: a problem shared is a problem halved.

Relax and take a break

Regular exercise is great for improving overall fitness and health, but just as important is regular and rewarding rest. Too much exercise and pushing too hard can actually have adverse effects, which means that some downtime to relax and recuperate can go a long way towards improving our overall wellbeing; both physically and mentally.

The best thing is, the simplicity of all these solutions means you can implement them with immediately. So write up that meal plan, get talking then take a good rest and see the benefits pour in.



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