Health & Fitness

3 Most Common Age-related Vision Problems And How To Avoid Them

Just as the body experiences a decrease in the physical strength with age, eyes also undergo a similar decline in their performance but they can be fixed by getting and eye exam in New Jersey to be safe. Seniors, or people who are 60 years and above are particularly affected by age-related vision problems. Some of the age-related vision problems such as Presbyopia are normal among aging individuals and don’t signify any serious vision disorder.

Seniors can for a time compensate for the decline in the performance of the eyes by adjusting the position of the material they are reading. Most of them end up getting progressive lenses, reading glasses or contact lenses so that they can read properly and go about their daily activities. Some of the age-related vision problems also call for corrective surgery procedures to regain the optimal performance of the eyes.

Vision Problems among Older People


These are cloudy sections that form in the eye’s lens. Normally, the lens of the eye is as clear as that of a camera. Cataracts form with age and prevent the easy passing of light to the retina through the lens. This phenomenon causes a temporary loss of eyesight. Cataracts take time to form in the eyes and old people feel no pain in the process of their formation.

Cataracts do not bring about red eyes or tearing of the eyes either. What’s more, some of them are not large enough to alter eyesight. However, whenever they become large, they have a significant impact on eyesight and seniors will often complain of eyesight loss by the eye with cataracts.


Glaucoma is attributed to pressure build-up inside the eye. If left unattended, glaucoma can lead to permanent loss of vision. Other factors that contribute to this vision problem include race, medication, and diabetes. Heredity is also another risk factor related to glaucoma. Other minor factors that may bring about glaucoma include blockage of blood vessels, chemical or object injury to the eye, inflammation or severe infection of the eye.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

The macula is a part of the retina with light-sensitive nerve cells called cones. AMD is attributed to the loss of these cells in the macula resulting in blurred central vision. AMD contributes to the loss of vision but does not bring about total blindness. As AMD advances, patients may notice cloudiness of vision and floaters can also be noticed.

Ways Of Avoiding Age Related Vision Problems

 A Balanced And Healthy Diet

By taking foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins that are crucial to the eyes, one can reduce the probability of occurrence of age related problems. Taking foods that are rich in iron and drinking water regularly is recommended to avoid the occurrence of these conditions.

Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle

Keeping off junk food is also a good way of avoiding age related vision problems. Regular exercise for the old is also recommended as being overweight is also attributed to conditions that can lead to vision loss. Maintaining a healthy weight is vital to avoiding these vision problems. Seniors should also avoid smoking cigarettes as this is attributed to the development of macular degeneration.

Taking Supplements

Supplements that are good for the eyes are also essential for avoiding vision related problems. The two most notable eye supplements are AREDS and AREDS2, which are sponsored by the National Eye Institute.

Loss of vision or reduced eye performance among the old people can be caused by cataracts, glaucoma, AMD or other age-related vision problems. Seniors are therefore advised to adopt healthy lifestyles to reduce the severity or avoid these vision problems.


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