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NH News

2016 Holiday Gift Guide Featuring The 20″ Girls’ Kent MT20 Mountain Bike.

Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


If you’re seeking to find that great gift’s for your love one, grab your pen and paper, sit back, and get ready to see some awesome gifts idea for everyone on your list. From now until December 19th the Night Helper Blog will be showcasing some great products. We will make sure to leave you with links to visit every product listed so you can add these items your Christmas List!!


Today we’re showcasing a great product for your daughter and I’m sure she will LOVE IT! It’s called the 20″ Girls’ Kent MT20 Mountain Bike .

Christmas is such a fun time of year, all the festivities, the gifts, the food and of course all the moments when the kids are happy and smiling while they’re opening gifts. This year this gift will keep a smile on your daughters face for a lonnnnnnnng time!


 Kent  Bicycles presents the MT20 hardtail mountain bike with so many nice features just like Mom and Dad’s mountain bikes. The whole family can prepare to take a nice ride in the mountains .
The way the MT20 is designed your daughter won’t have a problem riding through any trails since this bike has a front shock absorbs. The bumps and sturdy steel frame will definitely keep this bike tracking straight. Shifting won’t be a problem either, since it is handled by industry leader Shimano with their seven-speed drivetrain which also features a twist shifter. The MT20 also has lugged knobby tires so she can get all that kid power she needs to get great traction.
She’ll have the front and rear linear pull brakes to keep her speed in check. Supple padded seat is easily adjusted with no tools thanks to a quick-release lever clamp.
 kent-nikesThe great thing about this bike to me is how easy your daughter will be able to get on and off because of the way the middle bar is featured. Plus, I love the girly color and style, the bold MT20 decal of course sets this bike off even more and being that it is a Shimano twist shift 7-speed drivetrain, she’ll have more than enough speed to get where she wants.
Actually this is a good beginners bike for your daughter or son. They have a nice version for your little fellow just look below!.
This way you can grab one for your daughter and your son this holiday. Can you imagine the smiles and screams once they see these awesome bikes under the Christmas tree? Recommended Age: 8+
Well, there you have it, a nice bike for either child. You can purchase the 20″ Girls’ Kent MT20 Mountain Bike  at Amazon or Walmart today.
 You can also see the 20″ Girls’ Kent MT20 Mountain Bike and many other bikes via Kent Bikes.com, also connect with them via Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |
Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

37 thoughts on “2016 Holiday Gift Guide Featuring The 20″ Girls’ Kent MT20 Mountain Bike.

  • Very nice bike. Our son would love a new one like it.

  • Wow these are beautiful bikes. It gets the ideas going for Christmas..

  • Beautiful bike. My niece would love one like this!

  • What a great looking bike! My boys both got bikes (and only bikes) for their birthdays. My daughter is now feeling very deprived and left out!!

  • This is a really nice bike for a young girl.

  • This is a beautiful bike, my niece would love one like this!

  • My son mentioned recently that he would like a bike. He was pretty good at crashing into trash cans and mailboxes and also parked cars because they did not get out of his way, way back when… Like seriously, laying on the street with blood coming from his elbow. So I wonder if it is really such a good idea nowadays. It would be good for him to ride around and get exercise, but at what cost. His blood or my worrying when he is out.? You did a good job with the blog review on the bike.

  • i have neighbor who wi s getting bikes and t hen he r epair t hem and give them way

  • I prefer the girls bike for my granddaughters

  • As my life progressed, some may say it’s changed in different ways. As a child I wasnt given much in that of the way of gifts, to have even one was like that of a memory to which I had growing up. Nowadays it is so easy to imagine the what if scenarios as I get wrapped up with being asked you remember… – such items were said to be a big item of my peers and was often seen in that of my peers, so much so it was often at their fingertips. Being I was injured in a car & bike accident, my bicycle was totaled and never could be replaced / repaired due to limited funds. As a kid I had to have fun and burn off my energy via reading, writing or volunteering. Now I’m disabled but that of a bike is something that I’d give to my nephew to ride to school or his parents to ride to get groceries because they dont have a vehicle!

  • The pink is pretty but I really love the color of the blue bike.

  • My daughter would love a bike like this but definitely not in pink.

  • My daughter would absolutely love this bike. Although, I haven’t rode a bike in years

  • These seem to be sturdy bikes. I also like the way the middle bar curves. Much easier to get on and off.

  • This bike sounds awesome! I love the color 🙂

  • Love it! We have a “Rails to Trails’ in my area and loved to ride my bike!

  • I am hoping to get bikes for my kids this year so thanks for the review.

  • I want my daughter to have an active outdoor lifestyle like I did growing up. Nowadays it is so easy to get wrapped up with the internet and the convenience of having everything at your fingertips. It is important for kids to have fun and burn off their energy in a fun challenging way. Riding a bike is a great pastime of mine and my daughter is loving the fun scenic routes we venture on.

  • What a nice bike. I have a couple grandchildren that would love having one of these.

  • My nephew would love a bike for Christmas,a mountain bike and these look awesome!

  • These are some nice bikes! They always make great gifts for kids!

  • Those are really nice bikes! My daughter wants on this year to ride on campus. She thinks it will make it easier to get from one class to the next.

  • These look like good bikes…but my daughter is all grown up. I want an adult size one!

  • The pink is pretty but I really love the color of the blue bike.

  • My son needs a new bike this year. These seem like great bikes and at around $100 you really can’t beat that.

  • What an awesome looking bike. We were just saying my daughter needs a bigger bike. I am going to check into these further for her.

  • Nice bikes……….. but no young kids in our family all grown up and starting to have babies……… Maybe in a few years we will look at bikes

  • Looks like I will be looking for bicycles this year. This is a good place to start looking.

  • I remember when I got my bike for Christmas when I was seven. It was really exciting.

  • My granddaughters would love the girl’s bike. They both want bikes for Christmas.

  • All my Grandkids passed up the age for 20 inch bikes, I think they look great, I want one in a 26 inch!

  • Cute, can see it being on a lot of Christmas lists this year.

  • These are some great looking bikes, I wouldn’t mind owning one or giving one to my grandchildren
    for the Christmas holiday.

  • It’s the same every year.Seasons change, gifts must be given, people over eat, over spend then go on a diet. It’s a mess.


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