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Gift Guides

2015 Holiday Gift Guide. #Guitar Hero Live

Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.

Believe it or not the Holidays are just around the corner as my parents use to say!! So we decided to share with you some great Holidays Gifts for everyone. From now until December 18th the Night Helper Blog will be showcasing some great products. We will make sure to leave you with links to visit every product listed so you can add these items your Christmas List!!

American-Made-Holiday-Gift-Guide-Footer1Today we bring to you Guitar Hero Live

my house

Now if you’re looking for a cool, unique, game to share with the whole family Guitar Hero Live is a must have under the tree this year.


There’s nothing like the thrill of playing in front of a live audience, and in Guitar Hero Live, you and your bandmates will take the stage in venues ranging from small clubs to the massive main stage of an outdoor festival. You get to see the crowd and feel the energy come right across the footlights. It’s like your own private concert right in your home.

You’ll also get access to GHTV, the first playable music video network. Another great thing is you will be able to play along with hundreds of videos in all genres,  compete against players from all around the world.


Can you imagine seeing your crown react to your playing, your crown will either score you with a good or bad reaction results…lol? Depending on how you perform you just might become the next ROCK STAR!!!


Hopefully you will hit every single note for a 90 percent of the song but if you somehow mess up the outro, the video still switches over to the negative take, leaving you to face the crowd and seeing a few dirty looks from your band as the next song loads up. Now we don’t want that to happen, right? Actually it’s really the same system as before you just hit the appropriate button as it hits the line along the bottom of the screen in time with the music.


The kids will have a ball this Holiday trying to jam to the music. The Guitar Hero Live is available on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U


Key features in Guitar Hero Live include:

  • GHTV – The first 24-hour playable music video network, allowing fans to browse channels and access a constantly-updated library of official music videos and other featured content
  • GH Live – A first-person point-of-view story mode, where players take the role of rockstar during a live-action performances, as they work their way from intimate clubs to festivals featuring thousands of screaming fans
  • New Guitar – Revamped guitar controller that better mimics the playing of real world guitar notes and chords


You can connect to Guitar Hero Live via Facebook| TwitterInstagram | to keep up with the latest






Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

27 thoughts on “2015 Holiday Gift Guide. #Guitar Hero Live

  • My grandson wants to be a musician so he would love Guitar Hero.

  • My kids love the guitar hero games. They would enjoy this a lot!

  • I used to play Guitar Hero a lot in college with my buddies, I think I need to get back into it lol!

  • Thanks you so very much for the fantastic review on 2015 Holiday Gift Guide. #Guitar Hero Live! I love learning that its available on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U. That gives many consumers the ability to use it, depsite what gaming system they have. I also love that this is a great way for parents and kids to bound and make many great memories. Thanks for sharing.

  • This game looks likes so much fun for the whole family & wit a bunch of friends…

  • Guitar Hero is so much fun.

  • This is such a popular game! Nice review!

  • Thank you on the head up on a great Christmas gift for my grandchildren. They would have a Blast playing with it in another room . While the adults, who did not want to play, can enjoys chatting away in their room. A must have gift for the whole family!

  • My nephew would love this. He is the hardest person to buy for.

  • My kids love Guitar Hero. Last Christmas we had a big family Christmas party and we put Guitar Hero on the large TV in the living room and everyone played. Not just the kids. It was SO much fun and was something that everyone got into. Super fun game.

  • We would have a lot of fun with this!

  • the things they come up with! That sounds really silly. I suppose kids might like it.

  • I think my kids would love this! I know they have played this at friends’ homes and enjoyed it. With hundreds of videos to choose from I might find something I can jam to also!

  • i have two grand-sons who want guitar hero–thanks for sharing this post

  • My kids are very interested in this game.

  • Have been thinking of finally getting one of the many Guitar Hero games.

  • the grandkids would love this

  • My husband just started taking guitar lessons. Is this something he would enjoy? Meaning, is this something that would help him learn faster?

  • What a fabulous gift for music lovers. I really hadn’t heard much about it till now and I know my teenage nephews would love to find it under the tree.

  • This is something my grandchildren would love. It sure would make a nice gift for all of them. Heck, I might even try it….

  • I love to play guitar hero with my buds

  • My son;s love playing Guitar hero. They have a blast with playing it with their friends

  • This looks a lot different than the Guitar Hero we have.

  • Good review

  • Thanks so much for the Fantastic Review on 2015 Holiday Gift Guide. #Guitar Hero Live! Everyone keeps talking about this game, however, we do not have any of those devices you listed above. I think we stopped at Nintendo! My oldest daughter has an Xbox and they play games all the time. I’ll have to hint around to see if they have this one! My son-in-law (who is in the Army) plays the guitar and was in a group that played to live audiences before he signed up! If they don’t have it, and if I can purchase it with the budget and all, I just may get it for them for Christmas! Thanks so much for sharing your fantastic review, all of the pictures, and your personal and professional opinions on 2015 Holiday Gift Guide. #Guitar Hero Live with all of us! I truly honestly do appreciate it! Thanks again!!! Michele 🙂

  • I see my friends grand kids play this all the time and they really enjoy it good music and fun too.


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