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Gift Guides

2014 Top Pick Holiday Gifts, presents for everyone!# Educational Insight toys

Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.

Educational Insight toyslogo01

We are happy to share with you some Awesome gift idea’s for that special person or pet in your life. From now until Dec 22th we will showcase some great gifts with you in hopes that you may want to get a few ideas this Holiday Season. So sit back and enjoy you may be one of our lucky winners too!!

Today we bring to you a few 2014 Holiday Top Picks from Educational Insight toys , this one is called the “The Riddle Show”.


The Riddle Show Electronic Microphone is your child’s own personal Knock, knock? Who’s there? Riddle Show, he or she can entertain their friends and family for hours. Its pre-recorded with 145 jokes, riddles and tongue twisters. The family and kids would have a great time laughing and playing with this mic. It’s easy-to-use, children and adults simply press one button to play a joke and another to play the answer. It can also be used just as a normal microphone.  Retails for $19.95

riddle show

Next we have the Dino Construction Co-T-Rex.


Get ready to build and wreck/crush easily with this cool Dino Construction Company Truck. Your child will have lots of fun. Dinosaurs and construction vehicles combine for maximum building and exploration fun! Promotes early role play and is perfect for play indoors, outdoors and in the sand pit.

dino consrtiruction

Features swiveling head with movable jaw, dino track threads and a smashing tail. Retails for $35.66


Next we have the Design & Drill  Activity Center.

design and drill

Do you have that son or daughter who loves to drill? Well this is the perfect drilling system for them to create and build while their playing, its fun and educational. Suitable for children aged three to seven years old, Choking Hazard with this one so please make sure age appropriate!! Box Contains, 60 x bolts, 1 x electronic screwdriver, 3 x screw bits and1 x activity board. Retails for $35.99


You don’t think were’re finished yet do ya?Educational Insight toys has sooo many cool education/fun tools


Before we go any future let me tell you about this company:  Who are we? Like you, many of us are parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. Some of us used to be teachers, and a few of us love to bake. We’re art collectors, foodies, DIYers, comic book enthusiasts, animal lovers, yogis, and so much more. We’ve got lots of interests, but we’ve united around a single passion: to bring you kid-powered play through innovative toys, games, and educational tools.

Now lets get back to the next Top Picks from Educational Insight toys. We have the  Nancy B’s Science Club Moon Scope and Star Gazer’s Action Journal.

monnscopeIf your daughter or son are anything like my kids who loves everything related to science then this is a great gift for them. This scope is so cool, come and experience Science with Nancy B’s Science Club! A MoonScope and Sky Gazer’s Activity Journal for children.


Get the kids outdoors and take a look at the moon and stars and document what you see, I’m sure they will be amazed. Features 18x to 90x magnification with built-in red LED for night viewing. Includes MoonScope, moon filter, tripod and 20 page journal. Suitable for children aged between 8 and 11 years old. Retails for $45.10

Last we have the My First Microscope.


A fully functional microscope designed especially for little hands!The chunky design makes this perfect as a child’s first microscope. Early learning microscope is easy-to-use and features two large eye pieces, eliminating the need to close one eye. LED light enhances viewing of small details. Retails for $19.90


Well their you have it, out Top Picks from Educational Insight toys for the 2014 Holiday. Remember to connect with them via Facebook &Twitter.




Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product  from the company below  and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “2014 Top Pick Holiday Gifts, presents for everyone!# Educational Insight toys

  • These are all such nice toys and I’m sure any little one would be happy with them! I really like the Design Drill for my grandson. He would have fun being like Pappy.

  • I have so many grand kids…they would be thrilled with all of these. I especially like the Riddle Show Electronic Microphone because it will drive their parents nuts. Payback is sweet sometimes:-)

  • yes for sure these are great thanks for sharing these i have never seen some of these the dino tracker is pretty cool and so is the telescope really neat

  • What wonderful toys to get and give for this Holiday season. I like the Riddle Microphone. It would be such a fun toy to have and laugh at the riddles. I know my neice would love to play with this toy.

  • i love the moonscope! great toy ideas for me to look at for my kids


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