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20 Things You Need to Ask Yourself Before Renting an Office Space.

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An office isn’t just a place to work. It is, in fact, one of the aspects that could potentially make or break your business. An office is where all the essential work happens, governed by the boss and ran by the employees, it’s where everything comes together to keep a company functioning. If you need to renew the atmosphere, you should consider renting office space in Houston, where you can help make your new working space what you always imagined it to be. Having the possibility to decorate the office, and even involving your employees to try and help, can be a great way to begin a new chapter in your company. For many, choosing an office space is a challenging and time-consuming task. Make the wrong choice, and you can live to see the company loses employees and clients, and ultimately goes into a downward spiral.

Given that an office space holds so much importance, entrepreneurs and business owners should ask themselves the questions below before signing a lease.

Is It Accessible for My Team?

Your team is your partner in crime in expanding the business into the world. Choose a location that is easily reached by your team members by commute. If your team’s places of residence are scattered throughout the city, consider the location that is most convenient for the key staffs. An expensive commute may cost you your employees.

Is It at a Client-Rich Environment?

Having a face-to-face with clients is unavoidable in the world of business, even with the presence of current technology such as Skype. People prefer to do important and high-stakes business in person. That is why you should also consider whether your office space is nearby to some potential clients.

What Is the Parking Situation Like?

Whether you choose to rent an office in an urban or suburban setting, parking is extremely important. If the employees and clients cannot park on the building your office is in, is there any convenient space nearby for them to safely leave their vehicles? Find out the cost of parking per day, as well. You don’t want to be trapped in a situation where you need to choose between an expensive parking fee and having nowhere to park.

Is There Any Public Transportation Nearby?

Many people commute using public transport instead of private cars. Having an office within a walkable distance from a bus stop or train station can also solve your limited parking problems. Moreover, since public transportation is naturally filled with people, you can take advantage of this situation and include it in your company’s marketing strategy.

What Kind of Facilities Are Available in the Area?

An office that is close to a restaurant or coffee shop will be greatly appreciated. This types of amenities will be beneficial not only for your employees but also for your clients. After a business meeting, you can give a service to the client by dining out together and form a tighter bond. If your business involves going to the bank regularly, it makes sense to set up an office near a bank.

Is the Building Secure?

When you are renting an office, make sure the building itself is secure for you, your employees, and your equipment. There should at least be a security guard posted in all the points of entry, both during the day and the after-hours.

How Big an Office Should I Rent?

You don’t want to rent an office that is way too large than the size of your current staff.  Not only it would make the office look sparse, it would also affect your bottom line with the expensive rent fee. Having said that, leave some room for your company to grow, too. A little bit of extra space couldn’t hurt

Should a Reception Area be a Part of the Office?

Small businesses tend to have any of their available staffs to answer the phone. This could be problematic as there is no one clear line of communication with the outside world. Many things tend to get overlooked as a result. As you move into a new office, perhaps you should consider to amend this aspect and hire a person whose job is specific to handling the outside communication.

Should I Get a Furnished or an Unfurnished Office?

A furnished office can be a cheaper option. It is hassle free, yet you can still add your own personal touch to the space. However, if you’d like to design the office for yourself, don’t forget to account for furniture fee into your budget. Jasonl Office Furniture has a range of affordable options, so do your research.

What Kind of Design Will Benefit My Team the Most?

Should you use an open concept or a closed-off work space? The answer to this relies on the way your staffs work. A creative person may be more productive in an open office layout. However, those who crunch numbers for a living may prefer a more closed-off, quiet spaces 

Will My Company’s Vision be Understood Through the Design?

Superfluous decorations may not send the right signal to your customers or clients. They may think that a portion of what they’re paying goes straight into making the office looks the way it does. However, a sparse office may also make your clients wonder whether your company is in a healthy financial situation.

Does the Office or Building Have a Meeting Room?

Having a meeting room in the building or in the office itself is extremely beneficial. It saves you time from having to choose and go to an outside meeting space. It also gives your client a sneak peek into the inner process within your company.

Can I Occupy the Office Right Away or Is There Any Repair to Do Beforehand?

Some landlords lease the space as-is so adjustments may be needed. Consider the number of repairs you need to do beforehand and whether it works with your budget.

How Comfortable Is The Office Bathroom?

When it comes to office bathrooms, one common question that often comes up is “how thick are bathroom stall partitions?” This is because thicker partitions offer more privacy and soundproofing, making the bathroom experience more comfortable for employees. However, the thickness of stall partitions can vary depending on the manufacturer and design.

Are There Any Extra Costs I Should Look Into?

Of course, people are aware that they must pay the rental fee. However, they tend to forget the other less obvious fees, such as utilities and maintenance, moving expenses, etc. Add these fees into your budget so you won’t be shocked afterward.

What Does My Budget Look Like?

Stick to your budget by making a list of priorities. Work all the numbers and find out which ones you consider as more important or urgent. Don’t let renting an office space push your business too far into debt.

Should I Consider Renting a Co-working Space?

A co-working space may be the more appropriate choice for small businesses or a start-up company. Typically, they provide all the amenities businesses need in their daily operation such as meeting rooms and office supplies.

What Kind of Detail Should I Expect to See in the Lease?

A lease should describe the responsibility of each party, such as who is responsible for repairs. You should also make sure you receive the space in the state described in the lease.

Can the Lease be Flexible?

As your company continues to grow, you might need a bigger office. Can the landlord help you to relocate to a larger space within the location? This kind of flexibility can truly be beneficial for your business 

How Long Should I Lease the Space for?

Typically, landlords prefer a three to five years lease term. That is a huge commitment to make. If you’re not sure about the current space of choice, you might want to look for a place that rents weekly or monthly to get the feel of the surroundings first.

Should I Get Help from an Expert?

If you are renting your first office, you could be overwhelmed by the process. Experts such as Liquid Space helps entrepreneurs find a flexible office in a short period of time at the location they desire. Hiring them can make the process a lot easier and let you focus on more important things.

So, there you go! Does your current space of choice fulfil all of these criteria? Persevere and don’t give up. Finding the perfect office space isn’t easy, but you’ll get there for sure.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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