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10 Things You Didn’t Know About CBD Oil for Dogs

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CBD oil has recently become a hot topic amongst all dog owners and people in the medical field. The rising popularity of this hemp plant extract can be mainly due to its various health benefits for both animals and humans. Although this compound is extracted from the hemp plant, it will not cause you to feel high at all. In fact, there are 10 things about CBD oil that you probably are unaware of in reality.

Unknown Facts about CBD Oil

Here are 10 facts about CBD oil that most of you did not know.

  1. CBD Oil Cures Anxiety: Dogs do tend to suffer from various types of anxieties such as noise phobias and separation anxiety. CBD has been tested to be effective in curing anxiety and stress related problems in both humans and animals such as dogs.
  2. CBD Can Also Treat Epilepsy And Seizures: According to data, close to 5% of all dogs suffer from seizures. Most of these dogs are subjected to various drugs such as potassium bromide and phenobarbital. These prove to be dangerous for the liver and other vital organs of a dog. However, CBD has been proved to work for all types of seizures, especially drug-resistant epilepsy.
  3. Help with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Various tests have revealed that CBD is highly effective in restoring normal gut movement and preventing colitis in dogs suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.
  4. Fight Against Neurodegenerative Diseases And Protect The Nervous System: Dogs that suffer from various nerve and spine problems such as degenerative myelopathy, when administered with CBD oil, showed great recoveries. CBD oil is highly effective for people suffering from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
  5. Helps to Promote Cardiovascular Health: Tests have also proved that CBD can assist in improving the overall cardiovascular health of dogs. It can effectively reduce damage from irregular heartbeats and damaged blood vessels.
  6. CBD Does Not Make You Feel High: CBD oil does not have any psychoactive properties unlike THC extract from the same hemp plant. Thus, you can be rest assured that it will not make you feel high.
  7. Fights Cancer: According to several tests, CBD has been found to have anti-tumor effects. In fact, this property is found in all other substances that are found in cannabis and hemp. CBD can effectively prevent cancer causing cells from growing.
  8. Relieves Pain: CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties and can easily lower down any physical pain in your body. This includes both nerve-relayed and neuropathy pains. It can also decrease the various impacts of inflammation on oxidative stress.
  9. Reduces Autoimmune Disease And Chronic Inflammation: Tests have also shown that CBD can easily lower down the production, as well as, release of inflammatory cytokines, which may cause allergies, autoimmunity, and hypersensitivities.
  10. Boosts Appetite And Prevents Nausea: If your dog is a fussy eater, then CBD oil can also help boost the natural appetite of your pet. CBD also helps animals with nausea and vomiting tendencies, which is something additional to preventing cancer.


Simply Pets

VCA Hospitals

You can also consider getting CBD from a trusted source, like https://getrebel.co/ .


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