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5 Reasons to Consider Giving to Charity.

When you are running the numbers for your household budget, do you leave room for charitable giving? With the difficult economy of the last few years, it may seem that setting aside money for charity is only possible for the wealthy. However, nearly everyone can afford to give some money to a charity, even if it’s only a fraction of a percent of your budget. You may think your contribution doesn’t “count” unless it’s a large sum, but that’s simply not true.
Because charities depend on contributions to stay financially afloat, every little bit truly does count. Your donation can make a difference, even if it is just a few dollars. There are many benefits to committing part of your financial budget to charitable giving. Here are five reasons to consider giving to a charitable organization.

1. Altruism

No matter what your personal or spiritual worldview is, being generous is good. Altruism is valued by many religions or spiritual viewpoints as a worthy character trait, whether it’s termed a virtue or karma. Choosing to do something for the benefit of your community, society and humanity as a whole results in a feeling of satisfaction in a job well done.

2. Support Meaningful Causes

Another benefit of giving to a charity is that you can choose one based on your personal beliefs and priorities. Maybe it’s important to you to help save the rainforest or prevent the extinction of endangered species. You can give to a charity that works in those areas. If you feel compelled to fight against poverty in third world countries, there are charitable organizations for that cause. Perhaps you feel that disaster relief or development aid organizations are the most worthy charitable cause. You can choose which charities you support and feel confident that your money is going to help a cause you value.

3. Help Your Community

If you don’t feel that contributing to an international organization is the best option for you, there are plenty of local charities to support. When you contribute to a local organization, whether it’s a soup kitchen, halfway house or literacy program, you get to see the results in your own daily life. There is a unique happiness that comes from seeing homeless people in your city receive food and shelter or watching a disadvantaged child start to excel in school.
When you choose a local charity, there is also the chance to contribute your time and skills in addition to money. Getting involved in a local charity helps you become more invested in your community, and you can personally be involved in the charity work. Even if your budget doesn’t support a large donation every month, you can give a few hours on a Saturday to help build a house or mentor a child, or arrange a donation pickup from your local charity.

4. Simplicity

If you want to incorporate giving into your lifestyle, as with almost everything else nowadays, there’s an app for that. It’s easier than even to contribute to your chosen charity without sitting down every month to write checks. There are smartphone apps that allow you to donate automatically as a part of your lifestyle. Whether you earn money for charity with your daily run, or allow your phone to display ads in exchange for corporate sponsorship to your charity of choice, you can easily incorporate giving into your daily routine.

5. Discovering New Outlets

Another great reason to look into non-profit organizations is to find new opportunities for charitable giving. When you start researching ways to donate, you may find an organization that aids a cause you want to support. Reading well-researched blogs, such as the Eugene Chrinian Charity site, is a great way to find new ways to give. You may find an international aid organization you didn’t know of or a charity that supports a lesser-known cause that is important to you.

Along with finding organizations that you may not have known before, research can also help you find out which charities are the most financially generous. When you give to a charity, it’s important to know where your contribution is going. Some charities have large overhead costs or pay their executive board high salaries. While some people agree with this method, others prefer the majority of their contribution goes directly to the charitable cause. Researching charities can give you a good idea of which ones spend in the way you prefer.
When you are figuring out your monthly budget, you may want to consider reserving a place for charitable giving. You will be able to support causes you care about and help your local community. There are even ways to incorporate giving into your daily routine, such as with a smartphone app. Researching charities can help you find the ones you want to support; those that spend contributions to aid causes important to you. No matter which charities you choose to support, donating financially is an altruistic way to act selflessly and help society.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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