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Home & Garden

What to do when you find Mold Damage

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Mold is a type of microorganism found inside and outside.  It is a friend as well as a foe. They are a type of fungi that can be infectious and affect our health. They can cause mild illnesses like headache, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, and lung irritation to asthma, allergies, compromised immune system in extreme cases.

Unfortunately, there is no complete way to avoid them as they are present everywhere. They spread through spores which float in the air.

They grow in the area, which is moist, warm, and damp and can grow on any surface such as a book, clothe, glass, plastic and even pipes. They are visible as dark spots which produce a foul smell and eat the material on which they grow.

Since they are a health hazard one must remove them or get them removed by hiring a professional mold removal services.

Here a few steps to keep in mind while removing them:

1)  Safety Precautions First:

If you discover mold in your house and you need to follow safety measures first as mold can cause health issues such as eye irritation, sneezing, sore throat, and in worse cases can lead to allergies, asthma, etc.

The following precaution must be followed by you or if you hire some mold removal services to avoid any infection:

  • Wear a shirt and long pants which can be easily removed or thrown or laundered once the work is done.
  • Put an N-95 respirator along with gloves and eye goggles. 

2) Contain the Damaged Area

While removing the mold ensures that mold does not spread through other parts. To do so cover all the vents and spaces with plastic and tapes.

Put a plastic curtain to separate the infected area from the other parts. Professional mold removal services can easily help you in containing this area.

3)  Remove the mold from the infect area:

Open the whole place which has got the mold with the help of a hammer or screwdriver so that you can remove all the mold that is growing inside as well as outside. Professional mold removal services have a specialized tool to remove this material.

While drilling out the material keep in mind that there can be a water inlet or electrical line inside it. Thus, make up a whole initially to check for it.

4)  Cleansing the area:

Once you have made a whole vacuum out all the mold as this will ensure that the spore does not spread in the air if removed another way.

If you do not have a wet vacuum hire a mold removal service which has such machines. Remove all the mold from the vacuum into a double plastic bag and tie it up tightly.

5)  Wiping the surfaces clean:

It is advisable to clean all the area with the help of a mild detergent and lukewarm water. Collected all the residue with a wet vacuum and wash the area with hot water and let it dry properly.

6)  Applying Mold Cleaner thoroughly:

Once you have cleaned the area and disposed of the debris. The next step is to apply a mold cleaner to ensure that mold does not grow again You can make a mold cleaner with a couple of household substances like ½ cup of bleach mixed in a cup of water or hire professional mold removal services for yourself. Do not use ammonia as toxic fumes can be formed.

According to the area, mold has covered mix the bleach with water. Always follow the instruction written on the label of the bleach packet. Apply this solution and let it dry out for some time so that it is completely soaked. Remove the excess of the solution and afterward apply a mild detergent on it. 

7)   Seal the infected area:

You can set a fan or a humidifier around the infected area so that it gets perfectly dried. Keep it on for a couple of days. Check after some days if the smell has gone and no mold has grown again.

If the condition is okay and mold has vanished seal the area with an oil-based primer. Over it paint a regular paint mixed with mildewcide that does not the mold to grow again.

Then apply the new insulation and repair the area. Ensure there are no more leaks or poor insulation. Your problem is resolved.

The Bottom Line

Mold grows easily in a damp area such as attics, a wall with sealing, places where water is leaking, etc. These spaces have a high amount of humidity and are poorly ventilated.

Thus, it is advisable to keep the windows and gates open so that fresh air can pass easily. Let the sunlight enter the room.

Whenever your room catches mold and you should remove it immediately. You can remove it yourself if the issue is smaller but if the issue is big, you should take the help of professional mold removal services as there are chances that it can lead to eye, nose, throat, and lung infection if proper precautions are not taken.






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