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What Are The Different Kinds Of In-App Feedback Surveys?

To retain users and grow one’s userbase, you need to upgrade your app constantly. But this growth will be better embraced if the changes are in-line with the desires of most users. So the question is- how are you going to collect data from your large userbase? The solution lies in feedback data collected through user feedback and engagement tools.

Know that there’s not just one tool for collecting user data. There are many kinds of surveys which are utilized for that purpose. Those are:

User-Effort Surveys

One of the easiest ways of doing surveys is user-effort surveys. Users are given a scale that increases from 1 to 10. By clicking on any of the numbers, they express how much they disagree or agree with the question posed. These kinds of surveys can’t be used for complex questions. But if you want to know from the user how easy they find to use a feature, you can use this.

For example, user effort surveys can contain questions like how easy it was for them to book their room, navigate the app, get the desired products, etc.

Customer-Effort Surveys

Customer support services are beneficial and important. If something goes wrong, then it is these customer services that users seek to complain about their issues. But once that interaction is done, it’s important to determine if users felt their issue was resolved. Moreover, it’s important to know how useful they felt the entire process was.

Surveys are made to know these customer views. With the help of these surveys, you will get to know the hurdles user had to overcome to resolve their issues. In this manner, you will also get to know if customers found the user support useful. As such, this survey is a natural progression of the user support surveys.

It would help if you used this survey after exchanging emails, resolving user questions, ending a phone call with a customer service representative, and such. The questions can be framed to ensure that customers can grade their experience as well as give comments. Due to this survey, you will be able to pinpoint the issues which multiple users are facing. As a result, working toward a solution will become easier and more streamlined.

Net-Promoter Surveys

Net promoter surveys will help you assess user loyalty. It will also help you determine how likely it that a customer will recommend your app to others is. Businesses should use this survey after users have explored the app and used it for some time. Thus, they will get a more accurate look at a user’s opinion on the app.

It’s easy to get a final score of how many users will recommend your service or product. For this, take the percentage of detractors and promoters. Subtract the two and get your score. Now, compare it with the scores of famous brands as well as your competitors in the business. With this you will be able to improve your app.

App-Chat Surveys

App chats are some of the most common and useful user feedback and engagement tools. It allows users to talk to a customer representative about their issues. But that’s not all. These little chat options also ensure that users can ask questions that further informs them about the app.

Through this tool, users can be asked to share their feedback. A survey form can be presented to them, and they can be asked to rate their overall app experience. Apart from such surveys, tools like Nudge can be used to get data on user activities. The tool can be set in such a manner that it gets triggered after some set responses.

Using tools and surveys to judge user engagement levels will give businesses a unique insight into their behavior. But there’s a lot of effort which goes into planning and setting up these tools. To streamline the process and make it easier, use Approx. With Approx, you get professional experts working with you to set up the feedback surveys to help your business grow.





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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