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Home & Garden

Could a Wet Room be Right for your Home?

So, your bathroom is in need of an update. While you may have always stuck to the traditional, a wet room could be the way forward. If you want to know more about the factors that may make a wet room right for your home, join us as we discuss them in this article.

Making the Most of the Space

If you have a small bathroom in your home, with fixtures crammed in, then this isn’t the most effective use of the space. This can make the room feel smaller and cramped, as there’s just too much in the room. When you install a wet room and remove a lot of these appliances, the space can feel a lot larger.

Segmenting the room with showers or glass panels can effectively reduce the space, as it’s all vying for your attention. Therefore, going for a cleaner, sleeker design can create more space within the room. These clean lines can take a small room from zero to hero.

You’d be surprised at just how much this can change the feel of a room. With the right choice in tiles and good fixtures, this can totally transform the space.

Ease of Cleaning

If you find that you’re spending an inordinate amount of time cleaning your bathroom and the fixtures, then a wet room can reduce this. This tends to reduce the amount of time you have to spend cleaning as there are fewer individual elements. It’s easy to mop down all of the tiles and then take care of the individual parts. This will give you the chance to get it sorted in just a few minutes, where you may have been spending hours before.

As there’s less glass and polished surfaces to worry about, you don’t have to use a lot of different cleaning chemicals either. Just give the whole room a once over and it will be gleaming!

There can be issues with damp in wet rooms, as there’s the potential for condensation. Make sure that your cleaning schedule includes regular swabbing down and bleaching. A good extractor fan will also reduce the impact that this can have on your home too.


Wet rooms can also be ideal for those that have issues with accessibility. This is a consideration that can make their lives much easier, as they don’t have to climb in and out of bath or step up to different levels. For those that have issues with their sight or mobility, this can make the bathroom more accessible for them.

As explained by Bathing Solutions in their recent article, this kind of investment can be a big consideration, but it can have a big impact on your day to day life. If you or another family member has trouble accessing the bathing area, then this can take a daily struggle and change it into a more enjoyable experience.

While this is a consideration for some, the feel of a wet room can also feel very luxurious. This can potentially add value to your home for buyers too. While it may initially seem like a large expense, this can be reaped when it comes to selling your home too. This unique point of your home can make it more attractive to buyers and make them want to bid more on your property, you’ll still get to enjoy using it until you make that sale.

Wet rooms have the potential to really improve a home, with a new design that can make it more accessible to everyone in the home. We hope we’ve helped you to decide if this is right for you!


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