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Vicks Starry Night Humidifier &Behind the Ear Thermometer review!!

Seems like everywhere you turn someone you know or hear about has the flu. This is the season to worry about it. This strain seems to be a little harder on the body than the last strain that came in last year.

It is so important to make sure you take care of the little ones and of course yourself and let’s not forget our Seniors also. My kids have been sick on and off with the flu.One minute it seemed like we were free from it, then within the next few weeks one of the other kids became sick. Vicks was nice enough to allow me to try out some of their Vicks products.

(Starry Night Humidifier & Behind the Ear Thermometer).

When I saw the Starry Night Humidifier I was thinking to myself what kid wouldn’t like to have this great humidifier projecting off their ceiling. When you have a sick child on hand the first thing we want as parents is to cuddle them and assist them in anyway we can to keep them comfortable.

It is very difficult as parents to see our children fussy and sick. There are so many ways to help assist your children when they aren’t feeling well. The Vicks company has created great products to help us parents with that!

The *New* Starry Night Cool Moisture Humidifier from Vicks

offers a

Soothing Invisible Mist and a Dazzling Star-Filled Sky
for a Comfier Night’s Sleep.
Sometimes getting our sick children to sleep during the night can be tough. The calming sound and illuminating glow of stars reflecting off the ceiling from this humidifier is sure to have your children relaxed and breathing much better for a good night sleep.

 The new Vicks Starry Night Humidifier
releases cool moisture into the air, providing temporary relief from cold and cough
The humidifier’s built-in, independently controlled projector can be turned on and off,
making it ideal for all ages while also saving energy – just flip the switch off once your little one has fallen to sleep.

So don’t let this winter get your children down visit your local store to purchase the Vicks Starry Night Humidifier, let it help relieve your children’s congestion and coughs and most of all let it help to reduce the flu virus in your home!
Key Features
• Quiet operation with multiple output settings
• Built-in scent pad heater works with Vicks Soothing Vapors
• 18-24 hours of operation on 1 gallon tank
• 3 year warranty
• Independently controlled projector
• Best used in medium-sized rooms

Waite, there is more. Vicks also has a great product  Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer.

There is nothing like getting a quick and accurate temperature reading when your child has a fever. I have used so many different temperature thermometers but this by far is the best I’ve seen. I love it!
There is no guessing game with the new Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer (V980) each time you use it your sure to get an accurate reading without the hassles. Its as easy as one, two, three just place the thermometer behind your child’s ear. For best results make sure it is placed right in the carotid artery area, that is the best place to get the best results.

Press the start button, and release after you hear the 1-second “beep”.

You will see a reading on the LCD display.
Fever InSight Color-coded screen display makes it easy to tell if
your child has a fever or not.
A GREEN display means no fever.
A YELLOW display means the temperature is slightly elevated.
A RED display signals a fever.
 Memory system—Tracks and saves the last 8 measurements.

Well, there you go the must have products for this cold and flu season. Don’t be caught without them for there’s nothing like dealing with a sick child.

Let Vicks Starry Night Humidifier and Behind Ear Thermometer bring comfort to your family with ease!




Disclaimer Statement

I was not compensated for this post, however I did receive a product from Vicks. The opinions expressed in this post are 100% of my own and any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified by the above mentioned store, PR,or product designer.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

43 thoughts on “Vicks Starry Night Humidifier &Behind the Ear Thermometer review!!

  • I love the ear thermometer

  • That humidifier looks awesome, I love the sky theme with the stars.

  • The humidifier is great, but I really love the thermometer.

  • wow this is so awesome! I LOVE stars and so does my daughter. She would love this!

  • This would come in handy for children, I’m gonna have to check this company out!

  • i think everyone needs a humidifier

  • What great products! We could use a humidifier

  • I just received the behind the ear thermometer and am testing it out now. I’m hoping I’m using it correctly. I’m half tempted to compare it to a mercury thermometer to see if it’s accurate. hahaa!

  • With a new baby on the way and a 3 year old in the house the behind the ear thermometer would be greatly used and appriciated

  • The humidifier is priceless for Asthmatics in Oklahoma. I will check this one out for my next purchase.

  • That is such a cool thermometer! It looks so easy to use.

  • This is a must have for anyone with little ones

  • My niece would love that humidifier!

  • humidifier seems like a great idea

  • i want the humidifier!please ty;)

  • this humidifier seems great!

  • this is really cute. I would love it for my grandkids

  • As a nurse, the thermometer would be awesome to have.

  • We just got one of those thermometers and it is AWESOME! We love it and it’s so easy! Now I want this humidifier! Off to go check it out!

  • The humidifier is great, but I really love the thermometer.

  • With everyone getting so sick, and the flu going around so much, this would be awesome to have right about now!!

  • The thermometer is an awesome thing! I have one and love it. My kids no longer argue about me taking their temperature. They want to see what color they are

  • Oh my goodness those would be the perfect match!!

  • I would so love these!!

  • These are a must if you have young children! Love the behind the ear thermometer.

  • I love that it tracks and saves the last 8 measurements. that information would be really useful since I tend to forget.

  • I love the humidifier, and the behind the ear thermometer, I might just have to buy both of them in the next couple of weeks. Thank you for the review!

  • Wow! I wish they had these when my son was a KID! The humidifier looks and sounds great and the thermometer. I always had trouble taking my sons temp when he was sick.
    Thanks for the great reviews!

  • I have horrible luck with thermometers. Thanks for letting me know about this one!

  • i love these humidifiers…..wish i had one

  • That humidifier looks awesome! I know a lot of adults that would want that!

  • Oh I have one of those! 🙂 It works great for the kids that I babysit.

  • First thanks for the review with Nikki do any day–I need all the ideas I can get–Now the humidifier is awesome– to have it glow little stars, how perfect is that–and the Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer I know will be something we will have to have–I like the idea that its non-evasive–NO Pain. Thanks

  • I love that humidifier! What a great way to deal with the unsightly light that comes along with running a humidifier! Definitely going to have to grab one of ’em!

  • I’m going to check out the store for that humidifier as the one we had running in my 3 year old’s room bit the dust a few weeks ago.

  • My daughter has been suffering from nose bleeds due to dry warm heat. That starry night humidifier world be awesome

  • I just got the thermometer and think its going to be great. I have had the hardest time taking my four year olds temp in the past and this is so fast!

  • I want this humidifier!!!!


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