Health & Fitness

Treatment of stomach cancer

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According to the statistics, stomach cancer is one of the leading causes of human death according to data for 2019. Fortunately, the development of modern technology allows us to treat this dangerous disease successfully. In developed countries, especially in German clinics, there is the most modern equipment for effective treatment, as well as highly qualified doctors.

What is stomach cancer?

Gastric cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells arise in the gastric mucosa. This type of cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases. It can develop in any part of the stomach and spread to other organs, especially the esophagus, lungs, and liver. Stomach cancer annually kills up to 800,000 people all over the globe (data for the 2008 year).

Malignant neoplasms in the stomach are the most common type of oncological pathology in the human digestive system. Depending on the location, growth characteristics, and histological features, gastric cancer is divided into several types.

An oncological neoplasm can arise both inside the stomach wall and in the organ lumen. The tumor can be located:

  • In the upper stomach.
  • Directly in the body of the stomach.
  • In the pyloric part.

How to detect oncology?

It is quite difficult to make a diagnosis since a doctor needs to exclude a lot of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are at least somewhat similar to the symptoms of cancer. For this, the doctor has a whole arsenal of techniques.

A benefit of diagnostics in German clinics is the availability of high-quality equipment and an individual approach to each patient. The patient receives advice not only from a gastroenterologist but also from the related specialists.

First of all, the doctor evaluates the symptoms and complaints of the patient, conducts a full examination, and then prescribes the necessary studies. Cancer most often develops against a background of chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

Why is it dangerous?

Tumors of the digestive system growth very quickly. Typical symptoms of stomach cancer are:

  • Increased acidity and heartburn.
  • Loss of appetite, nausea.
  • Vomiting, sometimes with blood.
  • Dark stool.
  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Sudden weight loss, etc.

The results of diagnostics distinguish four stages of cancer. At the first stage of gastric cancer includes:

  • A tumor is limited to the mucous membrane, without metastases.
  • A tumor within the mucosa, but 6 regional lymph nodes of the stomach are already affected.

At the second stage of gastric cancer, the tumor grows into the muscle layer; 7-15 regional lymph nodes are affected by metastases.

At the third stage of stomach cancer:

  • A tumor germinates all the membranes of the stomach, with a lesion of 7-15 regional nodes, or a single lesion of distant nodes.
  • A tumor sprouts all layers of the stomach passes to neighboring organs has multiple metastases in regional and distant lymph nodes.

At the fourth stage stomach cancer is metastatic. It includes a tumor of any size with metastases to organs and bones.

Methods for treatment of stomach cancer

In Germany, the treatment of gastric cancer is integrated and includes all modern methods of treating malignant tumors. The choice of treatment depends mainly on the size and spreading of the tumor.

Surgery. It is an important method in the treatment of stomach cancer in Germany. During the operation, surgeons remove a part of the stomach or the entire organ (make a resection) and cut the nearest lymph nodes. Such a radical approach prevents the re-growth of the tumor. If the stomach is removed entirely, the surgeons create an artificial stomach, connecting the esophagus with the intestines.

Chemotherapy. It is used as an adjunct treatment for stomach cancer. Medications that have a harmful effect on the tumor are sometimes prescribed shortly before surgery, which reduces the size of the neoplasm and, therefore, reduces the volume of intervention.

Radiation therapy. The essence of this method is the destruction of tumor cells by radiation. Radiotherapy is also an addition to the above-mentioned methods. Oncologists use focused X-ray beams to minimize the effects of ionizing radiation on healthy organs and tissues. However, the side effects of treatment are not ruled out. For example, this includes radiation heart disease.

Hormone therapy. This method is used for tumors sensitive to the effects of certain biologically active substances. It is an auxiliary option of treating patients with stomach oncology.

What should I do if I have stomach cancer?

For the treatment of gastric cancer, it is important to choose a suitable clinic and the attending physician. Unfortunately, not all clinics are equipped with the necessary modern equipment.

Fortunately, nowadays you can always go abroad, and Booking Health will help you do this as quickly and efficiently as possible. With Booking Health you can easily find a comfortable clinic for yourself and successfully receive treatment of stomach cancer in Germany for the best prices.



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