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Track social media accounts with TheOneSpy

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Social media is one of the largest free communication platforms for people of the world. The rain of smartphone technology such as Android, IOS, and blackberries has provided a facility to the users to use the social messaging apps on their handsets. You may have seen the users using cell phones all day long without the blink of an eye. You know what they really do on social media apps accounts such Facebook, Yahoo, Line, Whatsapp, Tinder, Zalo, Snapchat and many others? They use instant messengers as free tools to send and receive text messages, make free audio and videos calls, shared media as photos and videos and also send and receive Voice messages.

The kind of free services through instant messaging apps has really impacted to the user’s mind and they finally become obsessed with the activities. Adults use the social networking apps even at work place within the working hours. Young kids and teens use it for fun and the rate of cyber infidelity is at their peak because of the social messaging apps. This is may the reason, there are some people that really want to track social media accounts to the fullest. So, they are always in the search of finding out the ways that spy on social media platforms. Now, they don’t need to waste their time in finding out the free and time wasting methods.

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Use TheOneSpy and Track social media accounts

Initially, you have to subscribe to TheOneSpy cell phone tracking software and you have to visit the official website. Then you will be able to get the credentials and finally, you can install the cell phone tracking software on your target person phone. Once you have done with the process successfully, then you need to activate it on the target cell phone. Now use credentials and get access to the online control panel of the phone spy app. You can visit all of the tools that empower the user to track the social media accounts to the fullest. Let’s have look at all the social media accounts tracking tools in the following.

Use IM’s social media of TheOneSpy

The user can use the IM’s social media of the mobile phone surveillance software and can track all the trendy social messaging app accounts what they are looking for. They can track IM’s logs, text messages conversation, audio and video calls, shared media as photos and videos and listen to the Voice calls.

Live screen recording of target cell phone

A user can do the live screen recording of all the social networking apps running on the target cell phone device. You just need to use live screen recording of the mobile phone monitoring software. It enables a user to make short back to back short videos of the screen by hacking the front camera of the cell phone spying app. The user can do Facebook live screen recording, Tinder live screen recording, Yahoo live screen recording, Whatsapp live screen recording and many others.

Use keylogger

A user can use keylogger of the spyware for cell phones; it empowers users to get all the applied keystrokes on your target phone. You can get password keystrokes, messenger keystrokes, messages keystrokes and others. It will really help you out to hack the particular messenger of your target and get to know all the hidden activities happen on your target cell phone and social messaging apps running within.

Spy 360 live screen sharing

You can track and view social messaging apps accounts of your target live by using the spy 360 live screen sharing of the phone tracking spyware. It enables a user to share the screen of the cell phone into the web portal and can view the activities in real-time.


A user can get access to the online control panel and then tap on the remotely capture screenshots and then can set the intervals and further send the command to the target cell phone device. Once the command has hit the cell phone of the target it will start capturing screenshots and you can view the captured stuff visiting the online dashboard of TheOneSpy.

 How can the user use TheOneSpy messengers tracking tools?

Once you have got the access to the online control panel of TheOneSpy, you just need to create a bug by using a particular spying tool and then send it to the target smartphone. Once the target phone has received the command of the device, a user will be able to see the logs of all trendy instant messengers into the control panel.


Simply subscribe to TheOneSpy cell phone tracking app and install it on your target smartphone having a physical access and by using the social media tracking tools. You can track social media accounts to the fullest.


Ailsa Bronwen is Passionate Blogger and keeps a keen eye on useful apps and gadgets. Enthusiastic about helping and empowering users with Tech related stuff. Absolutely loves running and goes for a run whenever he feels



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