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The Strangest Devices You Can Play The Original Doom On

Doom is a classic PC first-person shooter that took players through a series of branching pathways based on whether a person made it to the proper exit. Doom has had many ports to the various platforms, but the original has stood the test of time, with fans from all over the world vowing to play it on everything from Windows 95 to Xbox. Doom has also made it into the world of esports. If you look on VamosGG you can discover a range of esports for your gaming pleasure and to satisfy your competitiveness.

You may have played the original Doom on PC or at a console, but there is a very good chance that you have never played it on something as cool as a Rubik’s Cube. That is not to say that the game’s not portable. You can always just play it with a keyboard, but this is one of the very few old games that can be played with a Rubik’s Cube. The Original Doom is a game that has been around since 1993, which means it has been around since the days of the PlayStation 1. Originally available as a PC game, it is now available on a wide range of platforms, including the Atari 2600, PlayStation, and even the One. So here are the strangest devices you can play the original Doom on.

  • The Ultrasound Scanner

You have probably heard of the sinister-sounding sonogram machine. You know, the one that uses sound waves to create images of a baby’s internal organs? Well, as it turns out, a sonogram machine is not just for delivering babies. It is also great for playing a bunch of old video games. Doom has been re-released on the PC if you have not heard. I know what you are thinking: “This is a stupid idea. No one still plays Doom.” But before you pass judgment, let us help you understand why this is such a big deal. You see, the game came out in 1993, which means that your computer back then was probably one of a handful of powerful machines available on the market. It did not matter if you had the fastest Pentium processor on the market; Doom was not going to run on it.

  • The Graphics Calculator

A graphics calculator is a specialized calculator that can perform calculations using 2D/3D graphics. One of the oldest and most famous examples is the HP48, an HP calculator with a built-in plotter that could plot vectors, lines, and curves. Next came the HP49, a calculator with a front panel that could plot in two dimensions. The plotter was a very cool feature, allowing you to draw in your designs, but it was limited to a few “standard” shapes. The HP50 took one step further with a graphics plotter that could draw in three dimensions, but the only way to do that was to write code, which the calculator did not understand. 

  • The Myki Card Reader

The Myki Card Reader is an Australian touch-screen card reader that fulfils the purpose of a virtual floppy drive. One of the singularities of the device is the way it operates. The card reader connects to your computer via Bluetooth, and the touch-text feature lets you view and edit files. Also, if you ever need to restore your computer to factory settings, the Myki Card Reader can do it for you. Like many other parts of the world, the public transport system of Melbourne, Australia, has recently seen a revamp. Public transport in Melbourne is run by the company and organization known as “Myki,” and to make it work, they use card readers who have a screen.

  • The Digital Camera From 1998

The year is 1998, and you are sitting at your computer at home, where you generally spend your spare time (unless you are a student, then you probably play games like Counter-Strike or Quake). As you stare at the screen, a small program appears on the screen. It is a very simple program that allows the user to use their computer to take a picture and save it to the hard drive. The year was 1997. Windows 95 was released, Nintendo created the GameBoy, and Sony was busy releasing the PlayStation. Of course, none of these had an impact on the world of gaming. 1999 was a year that saw the release of some truly great games, with one of them being Carmack’s original Doom. The shooter features various game modes, including deathmatch, team deathmatch, and cooperative play. The game also boasted a deep storyline (if you can call it that), with various weapons, enemies, and different stages. If you can still remember those days, now you can play Doom on your Android device.

The above is a revelation in that it has us consider the many ways that we can play the same game, whether that is with a console, on the move, or using a PC and taking part in an esports contest.


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