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Summer Family Games by YULU Toys! #gamenight #family #funentertainment

Do your family have game night? If so I have two amazing games I think you might want to add to your gaming shelf!

Before I introduce you to the games, did you know according to NPD research, games and puzzles are up 18 percent? Look like more people are purchasing games and puzzle even more now in days!

When you really think about it, playing games are a good way to spend quality time with the family. It’s also a good way to keep the kids busy when those raining days arise, or when they are entertaining their friends or during those cold winter days. So I can see how the percentage is rising on purchasing games, especially during the summer season.

Now each game will offer you and your family lots of fun, mixed with action, strategy, skill and luck, each one will surely be perfect for any family game night gathering!

Let’s get started, the first game I would like to share with you is called: Break Free from the company YULU Toys.

Break Free from YULU is a game where you are, locked up in handcuffs, and you must see how fast can you Break Free? Use your lock-picking tool to escape and collect the most points if you Break Free the fastest. Break Free is a super secret spy mission with challenging action skills. The objective of this fast-action game is to find the exit of the maze to open the handcuff the fastest.

  • First, players handcuff themselves together and insert a maze into each handcuff. The game includes three maze colors. Each color represents a different level of difficulty, making each round unpredictable. Using the lock pick, players must try to pick the lock on their handcuff as quickly as possible. The fastest to break free from their handcuff receives a token that corresponds with the maze color. There are points on the back of each token, the player with the most points after playing all three rounds, wins the game.
  • Break Free requires two or more players. Each Break Free game comes with four handcuffs with chains, four lock picks, three different maze levels, and 16 tokens.
  • Ages: 6+
  • MSRP: $19.99
  • Available: June 2017 (Target)


Next we have the Safe Breaker game that is also from the company YULU.

Safe Breaker is about a safe loaded with stolen treasures, can you break open the safe? Crack the code with your spy gear. Use the fingerprint scanner to open the safe, no match try again. Safe Breaker is a super secret Spy Code mission with challenging action skills.

Safe Breaker is a new electronic table-top game that combines spy skill, memory and a little bit of luck, challenging players to crack the number code and break into the safe. Collect the most treasures to win!

Well, there you have it! Two cool summer family night games that are easy to play and have fun for everyone! So the next time everyone come together for game night, break out your new games from YULU Toys.

You can keep up with YULU Toys via: Facebook |Twitter |Instagram | YouTube| to keep up with the latest. Both games Break Free & Safe Breaker are available exclusively in the USA at Target.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

11 thoughts on “Summer Family Games by YULU Toys! #gamenight #family #funentertainment

  • We love playing games as a family, the break free game almost reminds me of an escape room feel! I think my kids would need to be a bit older to enjoy these those! Thank you for sharing!

  • I know that people have been playing the escape games for a while now. They do sound like a lot of fun. I like the idea anyway. I would love trying break free out.

    • The safe game would be good as well, but it doesn’t sound quite as fun as the breakout one.

  • Quick question: if you have to choose just one of these games to buy first – which one would it be?

  • I love family game night! However, this isn’t a game I heard of before so I am surely going to have to check it out. I am pretty sure my son would love it!!

  • I like playing family games, and usually have to beg everyone to play with me. But, my nephew usually meets the challenge, and I think Safe Breaker is something that he would really like. It has a lot of elements that would keep his interest…and mine.

  • “Break Free” would bring out the claustrophobic in me. I’m more of a “Safe Breaker” game player. My son, on the other hand, would enjoy both games.

  • We have a lot of game night in our house. They are always so fun! We love trying out new games and of course had our favorite oldies. I love finding new games, thanks for sharing about this one!

  • LOVE game night with the grandkids. I’m enjoying this time with them now because soon they will be grown and gone. I will have to ask them about these games. Thanks for sharing.

  • I love having family game nights. It’s a tradition from when I was a child that I have continued with my son. these seem like cool games to check out.

  • I love game nights – they are such a good way to spend time with family and friends. Safe Breaker and Break Free seem like they would be fun games for my students to play in class; I might even join in with them!


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