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Home & Garden

Should You Hire A Landscaper Or Tree Service Contractor To Trim Your Trees

Trees have to be trimmed on a regular basis so that they do not become damaged or pose any danger to your home or property. Many people think that trimming a tree is a simple task. However, it is actually very dangerous if you are not trained for the job. Tree trimming can be quite dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. To ensure that your tree is trimmed properly, you should contact a professional tree trimming in your area to do the work for you. The question most often tends to ask is who should be hired for tree trimming. A landscaper or a tree service contractor? 

Landscapers are not tree service contractors. But, a lot of people confuse the two. While both work in the same field, they do different things. Let’s find out what exactly a landscaper is and what a tree service contractor does.

Who Is A Landscaper?

The primary job of the landscaper is to make your yard look better by bringing beauty to your landscape. Landscapers charge much less than tree service contractors because their job includes only basic tasks such as:

  1. Planting new trees and shrubs 
  2. Mowing lawns 
  3. Trimming trees 
  4. Planting flowers in flower beds 
  5. Cleaning driveways, patios, and sidewalks 
  6. Installing mulch and edging stones

Who Is A Tree Service Contractor?

Tree service contractors on the other hand are focused on the health of your trees. They are trained to trim or remove diseased or dead branches from trees in your yard that could fall and hurt someone, break windows or damage your roof. In addition to tree care, they also offer services like:

  1. Removal of fallen trees 
  2. Cleaning up storm debris 
  3. Pruning trees properly 
  4. Getting rid of pests in trees.

It is important to remember that a good tree service contractor will also help you with landscaping issues, but this should be discussed separately for each project

How do they differ from each other?

The tree service and landscaper are both professionals who provide services that improve the look of a yard. The main difference between a tree service contractor and a landscaper is the depth of their services. A landscaper is someone who typically works on gardens and lawns, which are usually maintained by a homeowner. Trees, on the other hand, are usually maintained by professionals because they require more specialized equipment and knowledge.

Other differences include the following:

  • Length of Contract: A typical landscape maintenance contract lasts for one year, with monthly visits to check on the job. Tree service contracts are generally longer — anywhere from one to three years.
  •  Scope of Services: Most landscapers won’t trim trees. They may prune ivy or other plants around trees, but will rarely climb into a tree to take off dead limbs or otherwise prune it. In fact, most homeowners are not allowed to climb trees at all, so if you need your trees trimmed, you should hire a professional arborist.

 Tips for hiring a professional landscaper and Tree Service Contractor

  • Experience

The first thing you have to consider when hiring a tree service professional is experience. If you don’t want your tree to fall down, then you need someone who knows what they’re doing (and has insurance).

  • Look for Landscapers with Accredited Certifications

The debate about whether or not it matters who does the work will never end. It comes down to personal preference, but consider this: Accredited certification programs such as ISA require students to complete rigorous training, pass exams, and perform on-the-job training before they can become certified professionals. This means they have obtained the skills necessary to do their jobs well and safely.

  • Look at References

It’s important to ask if references are available and take them up on it. Talk to people who have used the services of the landscaper in question and find out what kind of experience they had. If there aren’t any references, look elsewhere. 


It has been established that both landscapers and tree service contractors are professionals in their own rights with the only difference being their scope of work. Next time you need someone to mow your lawn or cut your grasses, you know who to call. And if it’s the tree trimming service you need, tree service contractors are what you should go for. If you need more clarity visit https://www.oahutreetrimming.com



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