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Home & Garden

Securing a Home – Proactive Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Burglary

While home security may seem like a daunting challenge, there are simple and proactive measures homeowners can take to lower the risk of burglary. This includes installing a home security system, locking all doors and windows when leaving their house and making sure bushes, sheds and fences are secure.

Safely storing valuables and hiding telltale items like keys is another effective preventative measure that also applies to caretakers, dog walkers and house sitters. And you surely need a home warranty like https://www.cinchhomeservices.com/faq-library/-/faq/home-warranty-Utah

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Door and Window Locks

Locks are essential when it comes to keeping your house secure, yet many forget that burglars may use windows just as easily to gain entry than doors.

Installing window locks is an affordable and quick way to protect your home against break-ins. There are various kinds of lock devices, including track locks, pin locks, and keyed windows.

Window pin locks work by connecting two ends of a window together with cable or chain, making it harder for wide windows to be opened easily. They can be installed both on ground floor and upper-level windows; alternatively smart windows allow users to lock them with just the push of a button; these devices are particularly helpful if your household includes young children who might accidentally leave one open.

Alarm Systems

Alarm systems make life more difficult for thieves by sounding alarms at high decibel levels and notifying law enforcement of criminal activities in real time. A well-designed home security system can ward off criminals while giving families a sense of protection and peace.

An alarm system consists of sensors connected to a control panel via hardwired circuits or wireless networks such as cellular or landline communications. If an alarm signal is received by the control panel, it notifies a central monitoring station which then notifies key holders or security forces accordingly.

Many alarm systems provide round-the-clock professional monitoring, as well as fire and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices help deter burglaries, prevent injuries from natural disasters like house fires or carbon monoxide poisoning and deter injuries caused by carbon monoxide gas that is both odorless and colorless but potentially deadly if breathed in for prolonged periods.


A well-lit home deters burglars by giving the impression that it is occupied and under surveillance from its resident, as well as serving as an extra safety measure that makes avoiding accidents easier. Lighting also increases visibility for easier navigation around the property and decreases potential accidents or injuries occurring on it.

Security lights that detect motion and set timers provide the best protection. When activated, these lights can have an alarming impact that scares trespassers away and make your home appear occupied to further deter criminals.

Be wary of over-illuminating your home as this can draw unwanted attention to potential security risks and cause light pollution that shines into neighboring windows. Make sure your lights are high-and-aimed downward to reduce these issues.

Motion Detectors

Motion sensors are at the core of many home security systems. When combined with other devices like alarms, lights or even security cameras, these sensors help detect intruders before they cause any harm or intrude on your family home and family members.

Basic motion detectors use pyroelectric sensors to detect changes in infrared energy. You can program these detectors to ignore small temperature fluctuations that might otherwise trigger alarm, helping reduce false alarms from domestic pets such as cats and dogs. Other types of sensors available for purchase include microwave technology and tomographic technology.

Homeowners face the task of mounting motion sensors in their ideal locations with great care. It is best to select spots where an intruder would naturally walk past, such as alongside walls. Do not place sensors in the middle of a room or behind tall furniture – their presence should not be felt!


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