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Gift Guides

RingStixPro, great fun for the whole family!

Disclosure: I received a free product from the sponsor to review. I received no monetary compensation and my opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the sponsor.


This Holiday season, RingStix Pro Toy is listed in our Holiday Gift Guide as a must have toy! I am always seeking to find unique Christmas gifts to share with the kids and family and RingStix Pro is that great gift to add to your list this Holiday season.

RingStix is a new outdoor game for two players, it includes 4 Stix 1 red ring1 glow-in-the-dark ring. Its very easy to learn and you can play by yourself, its the type of game that will add that extra fun to any family gathering. Can be played in the water, at the park, the beach and even in your own backyard. The rings can shoot  up to 50 feet in the air. Its easy to launch, just place both sticks threw ring and pull the sticks apart quickly this will launch rings.

I like how this product allows you and your family to have some good quality time all while having some fun, no bending is needed while playing, helps with coordination and you even get a one year warranty ! Plus everyone is getting some good exercise which is always good. Recommended for ages 10 & up!

Product information: RX-1001 Set: Premium Features: -Outdoor game.-Looks cool and enjoyed by many.-Works well in wind.-Floats in water and easy to pick up.-Get outside and enjoy exercise.-Great arm and eye coordination.-Can play anywhere, does not get boring.-Great to socialize with family and friends.-Takes 2 to 5 minutes to learn.-Full set for two players.-Recommended ages: 10 – 110 years young.-4 Stix.-1 Red ring.-Instructions how to play you’ll find on the back of the package. Dimensions: -RX-1001 Dimensions: 18” – 29” H x 2” – 29” W x 2” – 18” D.-RX-1002 Dimensions: 9” – 26” H x 3” – 26” W x 3” – 9” D. Warranty: -One year limited warranty.

Well there you have it, RingStix Pro one of the coolest games for everyone to enjoy. Enter to win your RingStix Pro this Holiday USA only ends 11/08


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Disclosure: I received a free product from the sponsor to review. I received no monetary compensation and my opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the sponsor.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

7 thoughts on “RingStixPro, great fun for the whole family!

  • Sounds like fun for older kids. We don’t have any older kids to play with it.

  • Sounds like a blast!

  • This looks like so much fun!!

  • Looks like so much fun!

  • This reminds me a little of a game we had as kids, though this appear much more challenging. Ours had scooper-type catchers and a ball. This game looks really fun, and I love any/everything that glows in the dark as this adds another element to the play.

  • these look like a lot of fun


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