Revolutionary K-12 Online Education Is Shaping The Future.

As technological advancements continue being made, each development is given a steady foundation to improve upon the last. This has resulted in various technological appliances permeating more and more aspects of our lives, to the point where some people can find it difficult to imagine that there ever was a time without the Internet or a computer. The field of education has been as affected by the growth of technology as any other aspect of life. Educators all over the world are beginning to make use of various technological devices to help their students achieve more in their everyday studies. While high school and college students already contribute a large part to the use of technology in education, many people are not aware that students in grades as early as kindergarten can make use of computers and other articles of digital information to augment their learning.
Early Education Advancement
The stream of technological advancements has allowed educators to connect with their students in stronger and more digitally driven ways. When children are not engaging in a formal education inside the classroom, they can utilize a variety of devices, ranging from tablets to smart phones, to gain access to the Internet and work on educational tasks in an interactive environment. Students are further encouraged to look at online video games, which provide entertainment while simultaneously educating young students and preparing them for more advanced classes in the years to come.
Benefits of Online Involvement
The internet provides both educators and students with the opportunity to better express themselves in a learning environment at their convenience. Online classroom forums allow collaborative efforts to take place outside of the school, bringing a degree of flexibility and innovation to traditional learning. Teachers can keep their students engaged with online quizzes and homework. This provides students with the opportunity to learn at their own pace, and regularly work with the material at intervals that is comfortable to them.
Learning Technical Skills in a Rapidly Advancing World
Even at an elementary school level, students are able to work with a broad range of computer software, which can instill a general sense of technological awareness. Even though technology frequently changes and different software advances will have been made by the time the students are ready to enter the field of employment, the confidence and understanding that students will take with them will be invaluable.
Accomplishing Complicated Tasks
Teachers who have helped their students engage in an online education have reported with almost unanimous results that their students were able to perform more complicated assignments and develop higher level skills. Proficiency with technology encourages brain development, and students develop problem solving and critical thinking skills that can help them later on in numerous other fields.
More Collaboration with Peers
Another effect that technology has on the developing student is that they tend to be more inclined to work with others in an engaging and constructive way. With the means available to collaborate with their peers at any given time, students are able to help each other with a wide variety of learning activities, while developing social skills and interactive experience.
Encouraged Utility of Additional Resources
Many educators noted that students who had technological devices and the internet available at their disposal were able to learn more through the exploration of outside resources in addition to the provided source material. While this effect was most visible in classrooms that utilized computers actively, students were able to work with outside resources on numerous other assignments. With so much information available at their disposal, students can use the internet to further their learning while staying on top of active assignments.
Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education and technology. In this article, he talks about how online education is growing in the field of K-12 learning. He aims to encourage further education with a study of online sonography programs. click here for more information
Thank you for this post. There is much to be learned online – I have learned a lot I think that with all the options children have to get online today, they have a unique ability that was not there for my generation.
Good resource for home schoolers.
This is great! What an awesome alternative!
I know some homeschoolers and they are good at it. This looks like a great tool for them.
Homeschooling is like anything else – different strokes for different folks. I used to be a teacher yet as my girls were growing up, their needs were very different in how they were going to graduate from high school. All of my children did it different and homeschooling works for a portion of the population just like anything else.
This is a great resource for me- I’m looking to home school when we have kids. But I have a lot of reservation of online courses for k-12
I agree with alot of your article but gotta admit I think too much technology is not a Good thing-seems to be a double edge sword as far as exactly what the kids have access to (and not always age appropriate) However as far as “teaching” goes I think it is an amazing thing
I had a friend whose son went to high school online, after a series of disastrous events at his school. He graduated from the online school with honors, and is a fine young man today! You’re right – this IS shaping the future, for the better!
Thanks for the info, I think its so great all the opportunities out there for free.
Good for kids who need to be at home!
Wow…sounds like a great opportunity.
I am amazed at what is available now! When I looked for educational materials like this years ago, there was almost nothing. I am glad there are so many resources for a good education whether it is home school or supplemental to regular school.
This is awesome. My daughter went to a virtual high school because she was getting bullied badly in school when we moved. She did wonderfully and graduated with an A average.
It really is amazing the resources that are available online these days! It is so important for us to teach our children to be able to utilize these resources. I think that the link between using technological proficiency and brain development quite interesting.
Great post, I love any self help education for children and adults.
I think this is great for people in certain circumstances where it’s better that their child goes to school from home