
Reasons Smart Toys Are Beneficial for Children

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There’s no doubt that kids are always curious about the things they see in their surroundings. They always love to discover and learn new stuff. They are continuously interested in their world, not to mention that their active exploring nature is growing up.

As a parent, how can you help your child grow and learn their surroundings? One way you can do that is by buying them smart toys. But what are these smart toys?

Introducing Smart Toys

Smart toys are also referred to as connected toys. These toys come in different sizes and shapes. A few of them have some level of connectivity that enables you and your kid to engage with the toy through a smart device.

Nonetheless, the drive to ‘get connected’ must not come at the price of safety, security, and privacy. That’s especially true given that some of the toys were intended for kids as young as three years old. 

Try to do a quick search on Google, and you will find many smart toys available. One of the first smart toys invented is Furby. In case you didn’t know yet, it’s a domestic robot mimicking the process of language learning through a kid’s positive reinforcement. 

It was a massive success in the late nineties. Some have come later, such as Woobo, the Kano Computer, and Anki Cozmo that were successful as well. 

Another great smart toy is GoCube– which brings the old-fashioned, yet classic game, Rubik’s cube into a world of tech! Your kid would love it!

A portion of their massive development is because of the potential advantages of such smart toys in the children. Using apps connected to the internet, microphones, and sensors enable the creation of more expressive and interactive toys. These toys can respond to children’s emotions and provide new functionalities to provide new ways of playing. Moreover, smart toys can help support cognitive skills and motion development. 

Should You Buy Your Kid a Smart Toy?

Are you now considering buying a smart toy for your kid? Maybe you aren’t that sure. Check out below the reasons why smart toys are worth it. 

  • Enhanced focus

Children have a less concentration span. They get disinterested and disengaged easily in people and things. Without the proper tools, they tend to lose a lot in their academics and other stuff. That’s where smart toys come in.

These toys make learning manageable and fun at the same time. They also boost a kid’s interest in learning. Smart toys allow a kid to obtain new skills while they enjoy their play at the same time. 

  • Improve social and emotional development 

Smart toys aren’t just useful in skill development but also in the development of emotional and social skills among children. Most smart toys for kids need to engage and play with other kids or adults. 

Kids will experience emotional and social cues like crying, laughter, and anger when playing with other kids. They can understand and adapt to different emotional scenarios. The use of smart toys revolves around activities like having fun, waiting for your turn, sharing, captaincy, and more that are essential qualities for social development. 

  • Improved creativity

Kids are often born with a massive sense of security. They curiously discover through the surrounding objects in their efforts to learn the environment around them. You will find a safe experience of exploration, experimentation, creative building, and designing, as well as imaginative play with fun smart toys for kids.

  • Strengthens the development of their problem-solving skills

One of the great importance of smart toys is their ability to test a child’s mind. Toys like wooden puzzles support kids to think as they follow a detailed set of solving a specific problem. Various puzzles differ in complications. The more energy, thinking, and attention is needed for kids if the more complex a puzzle is.

You will also find other smart educational toys that allow a kid to solve mathematical problems. They can deal with real-life problems more effectively as they learn how to offer mathematical solutions and solve puzzles using such toys. 

Their mind grows as they think of the various ways to solve the puzzle. Hence, they will build problem solving skills. 

  • Improves the development of kid’s senses

Various kinds of smart toys are associated to the development of certain senses. The most typical senses that smart toys seek to build include a sense of hearing, sight, and touch. For instance, bright smart toys with vibrant colors improve a kid’s sense of sight.

Meanwhile, the sense of hearing can be improved by toys making various sounds. Children growing using smart toys allows kids to love colors, materials, and sounds. That way, they can show how they feel about certain experiences. Hence, children can improve their communication abilities and have a developed personality. 

  • Helps in developing their IQ

Smart toys are made in a way that boosts children’s literacy, identification skills, motor skills, memorization, and hand-eye coordination. Children who build such skills tend to have their IQ rise slowly.

Smart toys are intended to be enjoyable and fun at the same time. Hence, children can have sufficient time for comprehensive retention and learning of practical skills. 


Smart toys will keep on increasing in the next few hours, according to researchers. It is estimated to reach $5,410 by 2024. Connected toys, digital toys, smart toys, and mixed reality toys are here to stay. As parents, your job is to be informed and aware of the possible advantages and the potential risks of these types of products for your children.

Keep in mind that technology can be magical and fun at the same time. A talking toy is a great find for those busy parents out there: a device that can compensate for a lack of communication when nobody is around. 

These toys can also teach and widen a child’s horizon, ease their stress or anxiety, and cheer them up. More essentially, these toys are always there for them to listen and to comfort them when no one is around.

You see, smart toys have a plethora of benefits. Hoping these reasons are enough to encourage you to buy one for your child.

Do you find this post useful and practical? Share your thoughts with us by leaving your comments below! Share this to your friends or family to let them know about the benefits of smart toys. 


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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