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A Parent’s Guide to Lubbock

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Your child has been working hard all their life, and now it’s time for it to finally pay off: they’ve been accepted to Texas Tech in Lubbock, Texas. Maybe the only thing you know about Lubbock is that they have a Division 1 varsity sports system and they’re located in west Texas. Maybe you don’t know where to stay or what to do when you go to visit your kid during football season or parents weekends. Don’t panic; just keep reading.

Texas Tech University

The university itself is a large part of the culture in Lubbock. It is the only school in Texas with a major university, medical school, and law school. Its students vary in ages and backgrounds, creating a diverse culture that extends itself into the community at large. The school expects the best of its students academically and civically. Wherever you are in Lubbock, you’ll see Texas Tech’s influence.

The most essential part of any stay in Lubbock is to see the campus, where the Spanish Renaissance architecture steals the show. Be sure to see one of the many research libraries, some which are considered the most comprehensive in the world. Take a tour with a student representative to learn about the nearly 100 years’ worth of history that has taken place there (the school was founded in 1923), and then make your way to a football game. The program is a part of the Big 12 Conference, which is a part of the NCAA’s Division 1 schools. Spend the hours before the game tailgating in front of the massive stadium, and then cheer on the Red Raiders with the Goin’ Band while they fight off division rivals like Texas University and Oklahoma University. With men’s and women’s basketball, baseball and softball, soccer, and more teams available outside of football season as well, there’s never a shortage of games to see on campus.

Beyond sports, Texas Tech boasts seasonal entertainment. Every November the Texas Tech Residence Hall Association puts on Carol of Lights. After a ceremony that includes the Masked Rider (the official mascot of TTU) and various choirs singing holiday music, the campus is lit up with over 25,000 LED lights. It’s an event for not only students but the residents of Lubbock and the surrounding areas as well.


Keep all of this in mind as you move your student into their new home at the university. There are many dorms available for various ages and majors, and off-campus housing that’s through the school as well. Especially for those living off-campus, make sure they can stay connected to not only the extracurriculars available to them but also to their fellow students and professors.

The best way to keep in touch with your student during these turbulent years is with a phone that works and has a great data plan, so don’t forget to check out one of the AT&T stores in Texas before you head out to Lubbock. Ensure that they have not just their basic needs met with sheets, towels, photos from home, and full fridge, but also that their technology is up-to-date. A laptop is an absolute must, and a personal printer will help them in the long run. Wifi is sometimes included in housing, but if you’re worried about security, get a personal router.

Off-Campus Entertainment

Whether it’s just you and your spouse taking in the city or the whole family with you, start your day off right with a visit to Picantes Restaurante, a local Mexican restaurant with a giant breakfast burrito you won’t soon forget. They only stay open till 9 p.m. most days, so if you get a craving, make sure you jump on it right away.

Stroll down memory lane with a visit to the Buddy Holly Museum. Celebrating not only the city’s most famous native resident but other west Texas musicians and Lubbock itself. The museum is shaped like Holly’s Stratocaster guitar, which is on prominent display inside. You’ll find a gift shop, and the J.I. Allison House within the grounds. Allison was the drummer for Holly’s band, and together they wrote many of the bands songs at the house now on display.

If history isn’t on your agenda and you’re visiting in the fall, make a trip to At’l Do Farms Corn Maze. The maze itself can take 40 minutes or more to get through, but for families with little ones there is a Fairy Tale Maze, which is shorter and less intense. There’s also bonfires, hayrides, and a corn cannon (yes you read that right) available to experience. End your day at either one of the many wineries in the area, or a steakhouse where you can get the freshest local beef you’ll ever taste, and then hit up The Blue Light Live club for some real Texas country music before heading back to your hotel.


Lubbock, Texas, may not be on everyone’s list of places to visit, but for the years your child goes to college there, you can rest assured you’ll always have something fun to do.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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