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Off-beat destinations in Malaysia that should be on every traveler’s list

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Malaysia is a paradise for travelers. Anyone who has a habit of packing their bags and going off on a vacation will have Malaysia on their bucket list. The pristine beaches mixed with the heavenly mountains make for a perfect getaway and you will have the time of your life when you reach the place. In fact, it is the one of the most visited holiday destinations in the world and tourism has become a major source of income. Keeping economics aside, if you want to enjoy Malaysia to the fullest, then you need to visit some of the places that are still not so popular, but are known for their superb locations and scenery. So, here is a list of the best off-beat destinations that you definitely need to visit when you are in Malaysia:

·         Pangkor Island – living luxuriously during a vacation is very clichéd, but if you want to enjoy to the fullest, then you need to be with the local people out there. Pangkor is probably the epitome of beauty with big rocks and trees in the island. You can always stay in one of the resorts set up here because it is possible to get them booked from Malaysia tour packages available online. On the other hand, if you are looking spend less and enjoy more, then living in the tents would be a great idea. You will wake up to an amazing sun rise and get lost in the lush green waters (no pun intended).

·         Mount Kinabalu – located in the Eastern side of Malaysia, you will have to trek for a couple of hours before you reach the peak. And, once you reach there, you will not want to come down for once. The view from the peak is stunningly beautiful and if heaven were on earth, it would look quite similar to what you will be seeing from Mount Kinabalu. It is a great spot to click pictures and keep them as your evergreen memory.

·         Dayang Bunting Island – Malaysia has a thing with islands and this is what makes the place magical. Dayang Bunting Island has a pretty interesting history which goes back to Mambang Sari, the princess who was tricked by the then prince Mat Teja and made her marry him. They lived in this island and the location makes it even more beautiful. Surrounded by greenery all around, it is like an island inside an island.

·         Sipadan and Mabul Island – if you have been to Bora Bora island or have seen pictures of it and wanted to visit the place once in your lifetime, but never quite made it because of the cost, then Sipadan and Mabul Island will just be the perfect place to be. It gives that romantic feel as soon as you reach the place. With crystal clear water all around and small hut like establishments to live in on the water, day and night will seem different altogether. Not only will the sunrise make you fall in love with the place, but the surrounding nothingness will be equally beautiful.

·         Legoland – this is considered to be a major attraction in Malaysia and you simply cannot miss it. Although, this may not be the typical off-beat place that you may look for, but the place is worth a visit. Lego is world famous and over 30 million lego bricks were used in making Legoland. It is an incredible piece of architecture and you will be amazed how some of the top monumental towers have been fitted inside this structure.

·         Pulau Perhentian – blue waters, white sand and clear blue skies – all these are definitely romantic, but when you are at Pulau Perhentian, you will have a different experience altogether. It is a very famous spot for fishing, but that does not make the island smelly or anything. You can have a great time watching migratory birds. There are small houses to stay in and you will find lip-smacking food on this island.

Malaysia is a dreamer’s city and you can have the time of your life in here. The places mentioned above are not known to many and you can spend some quality time with your family and avoid the crowd.


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