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Home & Garden

New Home Set-up: the Basics You Need to Survive.

Moving into a new home can be a different experience every time you do it. It depends on a variety of factors, including whether you’re buying or looking for apartments for rent in Berkeley. How long the house has been unoccupied can make a difference too. Moving into a property that has been recently lived in is different to moving in when it’s been empty for years. When you arrive, you want to start making it habitable as quickly as possible. You need a number of services connected to your home so you can be comfortable and connected. When you move in, or perhaps beforehand, make sure you remember these essential tasks.


Source: xegxef

Energy and Water Supply

You can’t live in your new home without water and an energy supply. Ideally, these are things you need to arrange before you move in. They may or may not have been switched off between the previous occupiers leaving and you arriving. If you rent your home, your landlord or estate agent may be in charge of these facilities. However, it is most likely you will have to sort them out if you’re responsible for paying the bills. You will have to get in touch with your preferred supplier of water, gas or electricity to get your home hooked up or just to change the name on the account.

Telephone Line

Many people no longer use their landline fine, but others still do. Some internet providers will require that you have both a phone line and internet package. In some locales, having a landline may be essential for times when you can’t use a mobile phone. This could be due to poor reception during storms, for example. Your telephone line could be a lifesaver in an emergency. Plus, it can sometimes be cheaper to call to and from a landline phone. Get yours set up when you move in so that you can start giving people your phone number.


Source: Tmthetom

Internet Connection

For many, being connected to the internet is vital when they move into a new home. It’s one of the first things many people want to do. It can take a while to happen too, so it’s best to try and arrange it in advance of moving in. You might need an engineer to come out, depending what you need to do to set up your connection. You need to find out what’s available in your area before you do anything else. Some places will have fiber optic, while other more remote regions may not even have broadband. Choose your preferred provider and get in touch with them to arrange your connection.


Your television might not be a matter of life and death, but it does keep you entertained. It can be a godsend when you’ve been busy unpacking all day. Many people now use the internet to watch TV, but it’s still common to use other methods. When you move in, you might want to contact aerial installers like JNB Aerials to get you started. You might also consider cable TV or a satellite dish if you want more services. You’ll have something to keep you occupied while your home might still be a little bare-bones.

It can take a while before your new home begins to feel like it belongs to you. Start with the basics, and you can soon make it more comfortable


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