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Health & Fitness

Morning Skin Care Routine That You Must Practice Every Day

It is Important to know when and how you apply the beauty products. This will ensure that your skin will receive all the benefits offered by that particular product. Each product contains key ingredients that when applied even with a small amount can bring positive results.

So which product goes first on the skin? The rule of the thumb is for you to apply products from thinnest to thickest. You can also put liquid first and oil next. The morning routine will concentrate on the skin’s protection from the heat of the sun, harsh elements, and pollution. Thus, you can leave your treatment products and peed pads for night time. Here is the step in your daily skin care routine to be followed in the morning:


As you wake up in the morning, start your day by cleaning your face. Splash it warm water. Then, wash it with a gentle cleanser of your choice. Choose a product that is recommended for your skin type. You can ask your dermatologist with regards to which cleanser suits you.


Some people choose to avoid using toners. They think that toners are harsh and it can irritate the skin. However, this is not the case anymore. Toners cannot shrink physically the pores but they serve various positive benefits in the skin. It can act as a delivery system for the Vitamin B derivatives, antioxidants, and toning acids. In addition, each toner type is intended for a different skin type so make sure that you use the right one for your skin.

However, if you have spent your entire life with healthy skin even without the use of a toner, then there is no need to start with one. Toners were made to help in returning the skin’s pH level after it became too basic due to harsh soaps.

Meanwhile, there are new toners which are better balanced. Remember that there are alcohol-based toners which make the skin dry by stripping the protective oils. On the other hand, the water-based toners are a poor choice for having the active ingredients on the skin.

Antioxidant Serum

Serums are nutrient-based and concentrated treatments that can address specific skin concerns. As such, it is best to include it on your daily skincare routine. For your morning routine, you can use the lightweight brightening serum which can give various benefits to the skin. It can blunt the skin’s inflammatory reaction to neutralize the damage from pollution and harmful UV rays.

Eye Cream

It is important not to skip putting an eye cream every morning. With an eye cream, it can maintain the thickness and health of the eyelid skin. As you improve the skin quality of this area, you are assured that the skin will become smooth and will not lose its laxity that early.

Regular use of eye cream will make the skin elastic. Do this after applying the lightweight brightening serum. It can even improve the collagen and fine lines. You can choose an eye cream with SPF or apply it with your sunscreen each day.


Microdermabrasion is a form of mechanical exfoliation that effectively eliminates any unwanted remnants on your skin. It is essential to remove any dead skin cells so that it will not build up bacteria. Not to worry as it is not a painful procedure. This microdermabrasion at home machine by Divabikini allows you to remove the dead skin cells without having to make a trip down to a luxury spa, saving you time and does not break your bank.


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