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Living in the US: What Are the Most Family-Friendly States?

If you’re planning on raising a family, you have fifty US states from which to choose. You probably won’t pick one like Alaska, where you have marauding bears and extreme temperatures every winter. You may exclude Hawaii because of the very high cost of living.

There are plenty of other viable candidates, though, and we’ll talk about some of them right now.


Florida has a lot going for it if you plan on starting a family soon. You might check out new homes in Clermont, FL, with solid construction and many pleasant features. There are other parts of the state that may also attract your attention.

Florida has Disney properties, and you can take your kids there if they do well in school. You can incentivize good grades that way. They will also enjoy spending time on the beach. They might like going out on the water and learning how to surf or fish.


Massachusetts is also a state you may want to consider. The average lifespan is longer there than it is in several other US states. One reason for this is that many individuals in Massachusetts value fitness and spending time outdoors playing sports and exercising.

The cost of living is also considerably more reasonable in some parts of Massachusetts than it is in several other states. The crime rates throughout much of the state are lower than the national average. You can also find school systems that are among the nation’s best if you’re thinking about academics and getting the best education for your young ones.

New York

It’s hard not to consider New York one of the better places in the country to raise a family. If you live in New York City, it’s quite expensive, but your kids will have the opportunity to meet individuals from many backgrounds and cultures. 

This gives them a chance to be well-rounded. If they learn about various religions, ethnicities, and belief systems, they will grow up respectful and tolerant of those different from themselves.

You can also live in upstate New York. You might consider Rochester, Syracuse, or even Buffalo if you don’t mind some harsh winters. 

Many of these smaller New York cities have a cost of living that’s quite reasonable, and they’re quaint and charming as well. You can take your kids to street fairs and farmer’s markets. You might go apple picking in the fall and visit the vineyards if you and your spouse need a break. 

You have Niagara Falls that you can visit anytime you’d like, and there are some great colleges when your kids are old enough. The state values education, diversity, and family values.

You might also think about Vermont and Nebraska. Minnesota also frequently shows up on lists of the best states to start a family.

Think about what state has the most you want for your family. You should consider the cost of living, the weather, and the kinds of people who are likely to be around you. 


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

18 thoughts on “Living in the US: What Are the Most Family-Friendly States?

  • I would love to live in Florida but I’ve heard property expenses are getting very high. But then again I live in the DFW area and it’s crazy expensive to live.

  • This is invaluable information these days, thanks for the read.

  • You forgot to mention Texas. We are very friendly too.

    I like Florida too. Bc it has Dinesy the happiest place on Earth.

  • It’s a big deal to find a good place to live when you have kids. You want them to have that solid foundation to grow from.

  • I wouldn’t live in New York it is too busy for me. Florida is a great place to live. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  • I have friends and family in Florida, and New York, but mostly in Cali – and they all seem to be enjoying it on all those states. I’ve always thought anywhere in the US would be friendly. Thanks for summarising this…

  • Thank you for providing insightful information about potential states to raise a family. Your descriptions of Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Vermont, Nebraska, and Minnesota highlight various aspects such as education, cost of living, and cultural diversity. It’s helpful for those considering different factors when making such an important decision.

  • I’ve not been to many places in the USA unfortunately but I thought that Florida was perfect for families. There is loads to do and see there.

  • These are all great states for sure and we live in New York and there is so much to do. We are on the east end of Long island and love it. I also think South Carolina is a great family state and a great place to live. I lived there before NY and miss it so ,much! Such a beautiful place!

  • I would love to move to FL. I can’t stand how expensive IL has become!

  • I’ve actually heard a lot of really good things about Minnesota and North Carolina! Just coming from Florida and I can agree with some of the ladies here that it’s not quite as friendly or cost effective as some other states.

  • I would like to move to Florida one! I would like to raise my family there!

  • These are all really great states though if you don’t have insurance medical expenses will surely brings you stress

  • I like that Florida made the list. I went there for a vacation and loved the beaches.

  • This is great to know. I love family friendly places. I am not sure about Florida myself just because of certain things going on. I would really love to go to Niagara Falls though.

  • I can see why these states are friendly. Florida not so much if you have a gay or trans kid. They aren’t the kindest there these days.

  • I wouldn’t pick Florida with the way the government is currently, but the other two I can see being family-friendly. We personally live in Minnesota and we think it’s one of the best states, especially now with free school breakfast and lunch!

  • Well, I have headed that US is quite expensive.. You can’t bear medical expenses if you don’t have insurance


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