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Home & Garden

Let the Spring Cleaning begin with my new Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal + Allergy Vacuum

Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.

Yes!! I’m so happy to see the weather change; seems like we have had the worst winter ever! Now, that Spring is coming soon, I’ve started getting ready to clean, clean, clean! Open the windows and let’s get ready for Spring cleaning!  And what better way to start, then cleaning my carpet with the use of the new Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal + Allergy vacuum cleaner.


When I first opened the box, I was quite surprised when I saw everything inside! My first thoughts were, “this is going to be difficult to put together. Aw, man!” However, once my husband stepped in and started working on it, I found that it wasn’t that bad. It’s actually very easy! (Or easy-as-pie, which is 3.14 if you were wondering. Lol!) He had it up and ready for me to try out within minutes!


Now, let me tell you about the new Dyson’s Cinetic Big Ball Animal + Allergy vacuum cleaner. The machine is so efficient that it doesn’t need to rely on a filter, which makes this the first vacuum that truly does not lose any suction ability either.

With the Cinetic technology, this vacuum doesn’t even need nor have any bags! More importantly, this vacuum won’t have to go through the usual everyday filter maintenance as well.  Of course you will still have to empty the dust and dirt chamber, but no more washing wasting money on filters or replacing bags.  That’s awesome in my opinion!  I’m sure it will be a breeze emptying the Hygienic bin: just push the release button and off it goes into your trash!

Dyson_Cinetic_Big_Ball_Animal_UK_Allergy USA_DC77Animal_HygienicBinEmptying_NickelRed.ashxOh, and who wouldn’t love not having to deal with finding filters?! I spent quite a lot on filters, just think of all the money you can save! Plus, the Dyson has all the accessories you will need! This bad boy comes with every accessory you need to assist you in cleaning your home! From carpet, to blinds, mattresses, stairs, and more!

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Now, let me tell you what I think about the performance of the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal Allergy. The Dyson has proven to me that it is the  “Best Vacuum” for my home. It has been consistent in suction performances every time, and more importantly, it has never clogged up on me! All this is due to the Cinetic suction force of up to 313,000G, flinging particles as small as pollen and mold spores from the air and into the bin. No matter how many times I have vacuumed my cat and dog hair, the suction power is strong enough to prove great performance-much better than my old vacuum.

Did I say how much I adore the design? Wow, the big ball on the Dyson maneuvers so easily. This is because of the vacuum’s key components have been engineered to fit inside the ball itself. This gives the machine a streamlined profile, allowing access to tight spaces and lowering its centre of gravity to make it lighter in the hand.

I just knew because of the size and weight of the ball that it would be a little hard to move, not! With me having a back injury I’m always worried about pushing and pulling but with the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal Allergy Vacuum, it just glides easily throughout my home. Under my tables, chairs, couch even in corners and under my bed.

With the slide-out extension tucked into the handle, you can add any accessory attachments that’s needed. So when you’re ready to clean those drapes, just add one of the accessories and you’re on your way.  They snap easily in and can be removed just as fast.
Another great thing about this Dyson is you won’t have to worry about storing all your accessories all over your home. The Dyson Cinetic Big Ball  has its  own portable tool bag that allows you to store all accessories in one place until further use. I’m sure the cost of replacements for the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball can become very costly, that’s why Dyson made sure to create a tool bag just for that purpose!



I don’t suffer from allergies myself, but my grandkids do and with our animals ,  their hair can become a big issue for them at times. One thing I did notice is when we used the Dyson the Cinetic suction cleared their hair up within minutes. Providing my floors and couch with a clean surface.

Dyson_Cinetic Big_Ball_RemoveAllergens.ashx




Engineered to remove allergens

The Dyson Cinetic Big Ball vacuum comes equipped with four tools for removing allergens. Whether it’s a delicate surface or a difficult space, there’s a Dyson-engineered tool that’s designed for the task in hand.



Now many may say that the price point of $699 is high, but with the proven results of the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball vacuum, it’s worth every penny! Look at all the time and money you’ll save from not purchasing a filter or worry about washing and cleaning. With the engineering behind the Cinetic, the suction power is beyond phenomenal and is capable of getting all your Spring cleaning done with ease.


So put aside the cost and look at the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball vacuum for its efficiency, effectiveness and effortlessness!


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Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

58 thoughts on “Let the Spring Cleaning begin with my new Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal + Allergy Vacuum

  • Pingback: Nighttime Allergy Relief - Night Helper

  • are you kidding me, really yes please do I giveaway, I would love to have one of those

  • I forgot to say that I would save money on filters/replacing bags. Plus the Dyson comes with every accessory you need to assist you in cleaning your home! I have carpets throughout the house, & blinds on my front picture windows, stairs, and (of course) mattresses, etc. My house would really get a thorough cleaning then!!

  • I have a very OLD Kirby. It’s time to move on & get a new vacuum! I would LOVE to enter a Dyson giveaway! Especially with all those features above mentioned in the new Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal + Allergy vacuum cleaner.

  • I would LOVE to see a Dyson giveaway!

  • Yes they will need dyson to use in the baby’s room it wil have carpet

  • A Giveaway would be perfect.thanks so very much for asking.

  • I would love a dyson. Please do a giveaway so I might have a chance to get one.

  • a dyson giveaway would be awesome. our vacuum crapped out and I’ve been brushing out our carpet! good thing none of us have allergies!

  • A Dyson give away would be great! I have a Dyson that I love I would give it to my mom if I won.

  • Yes, that would be great

  • Yes I would love to entry a Dyson giveaway. That would be wonderful.

  • We love our Dyson but would love a new one. I definitely think you should do a Dyson giveaway!

  • I wòukd live a dyson guveaway!!

  • let’s give one away

  • I would love for you to have a Dyson giveaway!

  • I love the Dyson vacuum and it would make a great giveaway.

  • I love dyson product and would love to see a giveaway for it.

  • Yes please do a giveaway!

  • Yes please have this giveaway!

  • Absolutely you should give away a Dyson.

  • I would very much like a Dyson giveaway =)

  • A Dyson giveaway would be fantastic!

  • YEs, please do a giveaway for a dyson vac. Love them!

  • Yes! Do a dyson giveaway!

  • OMG YES This would be the best giveaway!! Please Do!

  • Yes! Do a Dyson giveaway! That would be so wonderful!

  • I would love to enter a giveaway with a Dyson it is amazing to use from the reviews and I have a son with a heart transplant and keeping the floors dust free is so important too.

  • Yes, Yes, Yes on a Dyson Giveaway!! 🙂

  • Would love to see dyson giveaway

  • No…just mail it to me silly women lol…YES please do a giveaway 🙂

  • Please do a Dyson giveaway!

  • Please do a Dyson giveaway!

  • YES! I would love a Dyson!!!

  • Yes! I would to win, so I may try a awesome product.

  • I would love to try a dyson but just can’t afford the price of such a machine. So yes a giveaway would be awesome

  • I would love for you to have a Dyson giveaway!

  • YES YES! I would love to see a dyson giveaway!

  • you should do a dyson giveaway! no normal person could afford one.

  • Heck yes!! Id love to win a Dyson to help with my spring cleaning.

  • I do not want a Dyson vacuum! I NEED one!! 😉 Please have one!

  • I would love to see a Dyson Giveaway!

  • I would love to see a Dyson giveaway.

  • I’d love a Dyson giveaway!

  • Yes please. I would love a Dyson giveaway.

  • To be honest, I’ve owned 2 different Dyson models and gave had issues with both. I think they clean great, but issues with other parts.

  • A Dyson giveaway would be awesome!

  • I would love to see a Dyson giveaway. They are the best!

  • Absolutely you should give away a Dyson! I have a 40 year old Kirby!!!

  • Gosh, I love Dysons. I just can’t seem to bite the bullet and buy one. However…. if you offered one in a giveaway, I’d be an entering fool 🙂

  • I love our Dyson! They make fabulous vacuums!


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