Health & Fitness

How to Transport Senior Citizens For Overseas Medical Procedures

As your parents age, you slip slowly into the caring role that they inhabited in your life for so long. You begin to help them around the house, taking them to doctor’s appointments or helping them secure the right medication for their ailments. And one of the biggest responsibilities you might find yourself with is to take your elderly parent for medical procedures in a different country. This requires meticulous planning and attention on your part, which is why we’ve drawn together a three-step plan for you to consult before you fly.


 If your relative is unable to take themselves onto a plane to get overseas, you might need to consider buying a medical transport package that will help them comfortably travel from country to country. You can find long distance medical transport companies online that are adept at getting the old, the disabled, and the terminally ill from place to place.

Involved in these services are air ambulances that offer private flights or flight nurses who will sit with your relative and care for them on commercial flights. You’ll have airport to airport shuttles waiting for you so that you can transport your relative directly to a hospital or hotel bed and in-country advisors to help you keep safe at all times. This is often the best way to fly senior citizens for medical procedures abroad.


 Flying can be stressful for the elderly. In simple terms, being sat in a confined space for hours on end, with access to a toilet difficult, can be troubling for your elderly parent. Furthermore, you’re going to want to take a look at their current medication and consult with a doctor in order to make sure that they’re going to be safe and sound to fly at the time of your trip.

It could be that your relative’s doctor advises against travel. You should bear in mind their advice, seeing as their years of medical experience is authoritative. But more often than not, a doctor will understand that medical expenses overseas tend to be cheaper and that they can find ways to help your relative cope with the trials of flying.

Creature Comforts

 Elderly people tend to see their sphere of activity shrink as they age. They might have once hopped from country to country or made trips into neighboring states each month. But now, they’re unlikely to travel far beyond their home – so a trip to an entirely new country for a medical procedure can be unsettling and stressful for them.

So, whatever you can do to make their trip easier will help them settle into their trip with greater ease. That might mean packing their favorite food and drink or sorting out a hotel that will cater to their every need. It may mean hiring a private driver to take them to and from the hospital or even hiring a guide who will help translate for them at all times. Comfort is important on these trips, so bear this in mind for your plans.

There you have it: three tips to help you get your elderly relative to a new country for a medical procedure in 2022.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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