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How to Pick a Wedding Date

Getting ready to tie the knot, but aren’t sure when you want to do it?

Picking the date of your wedding is one of the most challenging and vital aspects of planning the event. Everything from the flowers to the location depends on the day you pick. So, it can feel like a lot of pressure.

Are you ready to start planning your wedding, but aren’t sure where to start? Don’t panic! We’re here to help.

Here’s what you need to know about how to pick a wedding date.

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How to Pick a Wedding Date: Step-By-Step

You already bought the engagement rings and popped the question, now comes the fun part: planning the big event!

If you aren’t sure where to start, here is a complete step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process of choosing your perfect wedding date.

1. Identify Black-Out Dates

Before you book a venue and order your cake, you need to figure out the worst possible dates you could host your wedding.

Try to avoid important, set dates like graduations. Scheduling your wedding on or near an already planned event could prevent some people from attending your big day.

Set dates also include events like holidays. While the idea of getting married on Christmas may sound novel and fun, most of your friends and family will likely be unable to attend.

You may also want to identify times where either you or your spouse are particularly busy at work. Trying to juggle wedding planning and events with professional obligations can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress.

2. Check Your Location

If you already have a location or venue in mind for your wedding, you may not have much of a choice when it comes to picking a date.

Popular wedding venues generally have calendars that stay pretty booked-up. So, the date of your wedding may depend on whether they have availability or not.

Contact your desired venue and take a look at the dates they have free. Then compare that calendar to your list of off-limit days, and make your selection from there.

However, if the date of your wedding matters more to you than where it’s going to be, feel free to ignore this step.

3. Pick a Season

The trick to choosing one day out of an entire year is to break the 365 days up into small, easy to handle chunks.

Before you begin looking at days or even months, you should start by figuring out which season you like the most.

For example, if you and your betrothed are big horror fans, you may want to consider an autumn wedding. Alternatively, if you’re massive travel buffs, you may want to look for a date in the Summer, when it’s easier for people with kids to travel.

4. What Dates Matter?

After you pick a season, you need to focus in on what days in that season matter the most to you and your soon-to-be-spouse.

It could be something like the date you first met, or the birthday of a loved one who’s passed on.

Picking a symbolic day will make your wedding feel that much more extraordinary, and make your anniversary a lot easier to remember!

Planning Your Dream Wedding

Now that you know how to pick a wedding date, it’s time to get planning!

Are you looking for a little more advice, tips, or tricks on how to plan the wedding of your dreams? We’ve got you covered!

Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles today!



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